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Dear Hello Poetry Poet,

Is what you say
It's what you do
Everything I hear
In every "I. Love. You."


You want her, You love her.
I want you, I love you.
You don't want me, You don't love me.
She only needs you, She doesn't love you.

You feel about her, The way I feel about you.
I feel your pain, I feel what you do.

The point of all this?

I show you sympathy and mercy.
Unlike you do for me.

So much hypocrisy
But it doesn't matter to me.

Cause as much as you say you love her, I love you that much more.
And as much as you say you'd do for her,  I'd do for you that much more.

Tonight as you lay by my side, thinking about her while you're holding me tight and you find this letter here on Hello Poetry, I hope this may help you to understand,  that although I think you're an amazing man, you're hurting me like she's hurting you.

There's nothing left to say or do...
This hypocrisy is killing me and it's certainly not helping you...  

Just never forget about The Girl Who Loved You. ❤
The man I love is a poet on here,  his identity I shall keep hidden.  
Please don't hate him for what he's doing to me,  for just like you and me, he can't help who he loves.
You see...  
This is a big world and I'd like to say that I've found my "ONE"
But there's too many others out there to say that my search is done.
So for this "ONE", eventually and soon I'll have to give up the dream.
As to what else is out there? That remains to be seen...
 Aug 2014 Paige
Justin S Wampler
To every woman I've ever loved:
the pleasure has been mine,
to see you at your most beautiful;
like when I made you cry.

Because loving me wasn't enough
to convince me otherwise,
that your commitment wasn't a bluff;
so I had to scar you inside.
Am I ill?
 Aug 2014 Paige
I'm starting to think that it's rare to find someone who doesn't have a piece of their heart left in someone else's hands that maybe there is no such thing as a true love just the love that comes last just the love that nobody else has to try to one-up I'm starting to think that maybe my dad is still in love with my mom and his new wife doesn't mind because maybe when you get older you realize that there is no such thing as wholeheartedly loving someone only loving them with the pieces that are left and maybe my girlfriend is still in love with her best friend because I saw the way he looked at her and I tried not to be jealous when they went off on their own at that party and I heard a girl say that she calls their relationship "complicated" and what the hell does that make me am I the complication and I'm trying not to be jealous but I've never made her laugh like he does and I'll probably never know her like he does and maybe all I can hope for is for her to love him from afar and love me up close maybe he is her house back in Mississippi and I am her new apartment maybe if she puts up curtains it will feel more like home I cannot explain the aching I felt in my chest when my last boyfriend said I reminded him of his ex it feels like the piece of my heart he was holding starting bleeding like maybe an artery sprung a leak because I am like her but not quite she is mural and I am replica she is mountain range and I am photograph she is morning walks on the beach and I am jar of sand I knew he was in love with her I could tell by the way he said her name after he ****** me I thought maybe second best was good enough I thought maybe if I do my make up like she does he will call me pretty today the ****** up part is that it worked the sad part is he didn't know why it hurt so bad maybe I am just hypersensitive maybe my girlfriend only loves him as a friend maybe by complicated she meant he loved her but she couldn't love him back but that's what I've been saying about that boy that said he loved me I keep telling myself I don't love him but on lonely nights he is the one I want to talk to he is always there in the back of my mind I wear his jacket when I want to feel safe because my girlfriend will probably never know me like he does maybe I will love him from afar and love her up close maybe he is my house before my dad moved out and she is his new place maybe if I hang up some paintings it will feel more like home I cannot explain the aching I felt in my chest when he said he loved me
 Aug 2014 Paige
Somewhere there is a nurse putting clean sheets on what was once someone's death bed. Somewhere there is a police officer laying awake at two in the morning contemplating breaking his thumbs so he won't have to pull another trigger. Somewhere there is a body bag taking the shape of a person. Somewhere a warden has accidentally called a prisoner by their first name. Somewhere there is a man getting ready to pay for his glass of whiskey, his '1 year' AA token falls out of his wallet onto the bar counter. Somewhere the glass is completely empty, somewhere it's overflowing. Somewhere a therapist sitting in an empty session reading the local newspaper's obituary section wondering what she could've done. Somewhere a bullet has fallen in love with a heart, giving a whole new meaning to the 'kiss of death'. Somewhere the girl that never speaks is raising her hand but immediately putting it back down after the sound of her classmates' laughter bounces back and forth from the back of her mind to the front. Somewhere the silence at the dinner table is making a dent in a child's suit of armor. Somewhere a 70 year old man starts skipping instead of walking, he stops taking his medication. Somewhere there is a mother too drunk to sign her daughter's permission slip. Somewhere a man has stolen all of the flowers from a grave, so he can somehow feel as though he's  being missed. Somewhere a child is asked what she wants to be when she grows up, she realizes ''myself'' isn't a good enough answer. Somewhere a mirror has been mistaken for a stranger. Somewhere someone is being loved by another person the only way they know how to love; whether it's through kisses, bruises, sleeping too closely to the other, or fifteen missed calls. Somewhere a man is falling in love with the automated voice inside of a voice mail because at least she will listen to him. Somewhere a 911 operator is walking into her house, hearing screams that aren't actually there. Somewhere these short stories are being broadcasted on the news,  printed in the paper, whispered to a friend, or rotting in the back of someone's head. Somewhere I am whispering all of these things to a silent room full of people, none of them look up.
 Aug 2014 Paige
i drank a bottle of wine in bed/that does not make me romantic/i slept for sixteen hours today and i am still so ******* tired/i drove around my neighborhood chain smoking with burning eyes/i stood in my swimming pool and starred at the sky and wondered if i was losing my ******* mind/i am not peacefully sad;there is no such thing/i moved to a city where i thought id finally get to know me/i ran home bandaged and shaking five months later/i keep swearing to myself im gonna get better/i used to believe me/but i dont know how to anymore/my pain is not a ******* trend
 Aug 2014 Paige
circus clown
cry until you cant
look at the pit in your chest
plant something better
 Aug 2014 Paige
Months went by
And I began to notice
I didn't think of you daily
Now a year
And I've been reading
About your struggle
And drunk
But also
The happiness
And hope
My only words for you
Stay strong
You are more beautiful
Than you know
Funnier than you can remember
And possibly
Just possibly
Not as crazy
As you think you are...
 Aug 2014 Paige
Megan Grace
August 2
 Aug 2014 Paige
Megan Grace
one year ago was
the conversation
(you know the one)
were were meant to
be together. i had
thought this would
get easier but lately
i've been missing the
my arm   and   tell me
something beautiful.
i wish i could ask
you to come back
to me but i know
you'll pick her
every time.
i'm sorry
i loved
you as
as i
without warning.
i hope
your heart
will find mine
again,   though.
 Jul 2014 Paige
pluie d'été
Daisy Buchanan
Once said
That there was nothing better
A girl could be in this world
Than a beautiful

When I smile
With flowers in my hair
And innocence
Pooled with naivety
In my eyes

I hate myself
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