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F A Pacelli Jul 2019
the grass and plants
the trees and leaves
they all seem to dance
in the cool light breeze

this world is theirs
i’m just passing through
they lessen my fears
as i write a haiku

thank you sweet nature
for your peace and care
i will be less of a stranger
with time, I swear
F A Pacelli Jul 2019
we are human
we cannot be perfect
but we can always be better
F A Pacelli Jul 2019
we explore the world
but what good is that knowledge
without creation
we create works of art
but how limited are our creations
without exploration
F A Pacelli Jul 2019
happiness is easy
it's easier to drink soda
than juice celery
it's easier to scroll facebook
than read a book
it's easier to watch internet ****
than romance your lover
it's easier to freeze the fat
than exercise and eat well

yes, happiness is easy
but when did it become
another addiction?
F A Pacelli Jul 2019
desire is quicksand
a trap to suffering
the liberating tree branch
is knowing your desires
are imaginary and fleeting
you can let them go
F A Pacelli Jul 2019
on one ordinary night,
i sank into death’s realm
in all its bitterness and defeat
powerless in its consuming grip
my mind buried alive
in an everlasting nightmare
deeply personal and exposed
but that dark moment
steered me on a truer path
decorated with love and creation
leading to a dawn of knowledge

maybe, we should all
have a taste of death  
the world might be
a better place
F A Pacelli Jul 2019
when we think
we are separate from
the world around us
pain finds its way in
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