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K G Oct 2016
In the backyard I strayed far, far along
It was bound to happen
You find your balance and start to tip off
Still you go on and on
Floating right by your flaws
Float by empty bottles when you scoff
I know its not my place
But you need to stay inside
Take time to recover from memory loss

I know it's not my place
but should you care about fame and pride
If you refuse to remain alive?
You should close your eyes
I'd press them with my cheek
You cannot live without the thought of genocide
Hold your ears and fall, fall asleep
The next pill when send you a hundred feet high
This time you won't trip off the peak
  Oct 2016 K G
Pathways opened
through doors unhinged

Journey travelled
with roads unworn

Magic unbound
from spells unchanted

Heartbeats birthed
but the heart's unborn


Verses recited
from a poem unpenned

A song sung
but lyrics unwritten

A dance performed
with routine unrehearsed

Feelings perceived
through words unspoken
  Oct 2016 K G
Mike Essig
Tempus pro nemine manet*

It's the day there comes
a knock on the door
and you open it to find
a government agent
with a glowing, hot iron.

You drop your drawers
and OLD is eternally
branded on your ***.

It is painful, sad,
absurd and funny.

Sweet relief, too.

Never again must you
worry about getting old
or dying young.

You are old. It is official.

From now on there is
only older and older
until there isn't

and then the mystery.

Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily,
life and death,
but the same dream.
  Oct 2016 K G
Daisy Vallely
Her blue hips carry me into her womb,
where the melody of her crashing waves sound like the notes of an ethereal harp dancing through the chilled evening air.
Among all the lost messages in glass bottles floating through a liquid eternity, one read the name of her lover,
who ripped her heart from the sea.
Eventually, each bottle washed up into the arms the shore,
The bottle that contained her lover’s name remained in the curves of the ocean, traveling through her body's maze.

My heart breaks at the sound of her faint, musical wheeping.
So I am with her, within her cold, salted embrace.
I open my burning eyes to watch her story.
I love the way her current cradles me with aching love-
And now I can see
That the strength within her current,
Can wash away the grief of a fractured heart.

© 2016 D.M.V
  Oct 2016 K G
Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
You are in front of me this is the only truth
I can touch you and kiss you with my eyes
My soul is in trouble only you can sooth
Beauty must understand heart to heart cries

In life there are just very many real instances
Beauty blooms to take heart and soul together
Your sweet eyes help to take me many chances
Let me to take you along to enjoy the weather

Love me  and make me yours for heart solace
Be mine in this real jungle of the human beings
Let me follow you from pace to pace with grace
Springs invite you to touch all my heart strings

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
  Oct 2016 K G
Illya Oz
I pull at my hair
And scratch at my skin
You ask me why
I don't even know where to begin

The curls in my hair are all wrong
The colour orange just doesn’t belong
My skin looks all weird colours and mottled
The feelings inside I keep up and bottled

There is no reason for my depression
I find it hard to show my expression
I escape into the word of fiction
I stay so long it becomes an addiction

Being who I am doesn’t conform
To what others consider the social norm
People who know my sexuality
See me as an abnormality

I get terrified when in a crowd
Everyone just always seems so loud
I cling to people like a leach
My voice is weak without freedom of speech

I wish I could be normal
But that would just abnormal
I wish I could learn to accept
But in that I am so inept
I'm really tying to accept all my flaws and things that I don't like about my self. So many people no matter who they are or where they live are not happy with who they are. We all just need to learn to accept others and our selves despite our flaws.
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