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K G Oct 2016
Shivered like a vein, slashed bright and new
You said, you felt a brisk shift
In the breeze

With the color red surrounding your throat

The vultures equipped mercy above you
The angels limp over and lift
You kaley*

With the color red surrounding, your throat
K G Oct 2016
Cloak if by edge
Six paces from the rest
I wish to stop and rest
Though duress is on my neck
K G Oct 2016
Pillage for our health achieving to fix
What must be fixed, before we enter our slender pit
Avouch a heavy tale, that is what death cannot take
We are too quick to extend or part ways
Fewer hours left behind, the more they’re worth
We are never wise, returning to our state of birth
  Sep 2016 K G
CA Guilfoyle
The goldenrod now half exploded, on the edge
flowers cut across the path leading to the bracken woods
from the long grass, three young deer emerge
from the mist, into the forest they disappear
to shelter under fir and cedar boughs
just days old, they rest on mossy loam
I trace their perfect footprints
I want to follow them home.
  Sep 2016 K G
I had a dream of you
But somehow it was mixed with reality
You hated me because you loved me still
And yet you found someone to replace me

I was envious of her, jealous that you chose her
Even though I had someone else too
She was the woman, married to Hector
Whose sister you slept with when I loved you

We exchanged our daughter in a parking lot
You made no effort to hide her
Foreign emotions overwhelmed me
Settled resentment returned

Her name I always remember from high school
She is Blanca, still technically Mrs. Blanca Garcia
Somehow you both resemble the devil
To remind me of your affair with Hector's sister, Ophelia

¡Diablo vete!
You're a past memory, long forgotten
You come in the night, inconspicuously
Finding any light left to darken.
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