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 Mar 2015 NotMyRealName
You meant so much
had so much worth
but received so little

But he did nothing of notability
was a mere shadow of you
then won it all

And I swear I rooted for you
all the way through
I had no doubt you'd rise to the top
but when you didn't you let anger win you over
You pinned the blame on me
pierced my body with words like that of a dagger

I swear I love you
However I swear you're blind to it
 Mar 2015 NotMyRealName
suddenly contained
your  presence
the other night
you hadn't really been there
for years
our time is over
I had to say
to your sad face
it’s not that I don’t
miss us
my life is so different
it just went
another way
After years of not seeing my late husband in my dreams , he was suddenly back again.I told him life had moved on for me ...
My door is open
It is oak with brass fittings
Sturdy and handsome
I oil the wood, buff the brass
And I will never close it
 Mar 2015 NotMyRealName
There was a still darkness
seeping in through the car windows,
and we turned up the music
and we smoked six cigarettes
and we talked louder than we had to
and we laughed at things that weren't funny
and we drove passed your house,
eight or nine times
before we stepped out into it
We did all we could to keep it outside
but it was inside of us all along
so all the noise
was just noise
And all the movement
was just movement
And we knew that
as soon as we were alone
in our beds at home,
we would have to face it
And we were better at
than we were at
But there was an eerie,
sharp pain in
the backs of our calves,
through all the pretending,
that served as a reminder
that we couldn't talk forever
and we couldn't smoke forever
and we couldn't
drive to the ends of the earth
Not in your beat up two seater
But we just wanted
heat and closeness and music
We just wanted something
other than the darkness
to hold us
We could never hold ourselves,
We knew that
We weren't the kinds of people
who held themselves
But we were sick
of feeling like we were dreaming,
when we were wide awake
We were sick of feeling
like we were seeing the world
through a scratched,
and dusty lens
There was something growing in our bones
that we didn't know how to describe
It was a dull aching
that didn't come from the outside
And the thing that would eventually
drive us out of our minds
was that we never
really could find
a safe place to hide
i burned hot this weekend:
one unblinking flame
in a toxic green sea.

thousands of mouths
tossing out the word "women"
as if it's the worst insult
their forked tongues can spit.

when i cut up their faces
with the rings on my fists
they'll learn "hit like a girl"
isn't an insult after all.
Give me all:
Your hate
Your jealousy
Your lies
And all your deceit

I'll put it in a box
Wrap a yellow bow around it
And strap it to my back

Tomorrow, said the crying kid,
I'll ride this here red rocket
I'll fire it at the scorching sun!

I will not miss
I am true of purpose
I am pure of heart

And when I reach my target,
Burn my payload to ashes
Your kid of age five and three quarters
Will utter these final words:

Mom, dad, see.
I've set your dying love free!
 Mar 2015 NotMyRealName
AJ Scott
He looks like the kind of guy
I want to take me
steal me into the night
and let nobody save me

It feels like the kind of night
with my hands tied above my head
dazed with stars in my eyes
lips on mine like flesh full of lead

He's probably the kind of guy
to bump straight into me on the train
takes a week to agree to staying the night
not very selfish and not that vain

It's probably the kind of night
When its going great in my head
but we say our goodbyes
and go straight home to bed.
"Our song came on the radio yesterday and for the first time, I didn't roll down my windows or turn it all the way up or sing along. I forced myself to turn it off."
"I washed your sweatshirt after sleeping in it for so many nights so it wouldn't smell like you anymore and I boxed it up to put in the top of my closet, out of sight."
"Remember when we went to the beach and kept snapping photos? I finally burned them yesterday. I watched as the flames burned out, just like we did."
"Our anniversary passed, and I didn't feel empty like I did the month before. It only took me four months."
"I'm deleting your contact out of my phone so I won't feel tempted to text you when I lie awake at night thinking about what we used to be. I guess I'll be doing you a favor, seeing as you don't care about the past us like I do."
"I hope you're happy with her, because after all this time I'm finally happier without you."
finally moving on
Her's was a quiet love
filled with love letters
and roses
His was a fiery love
filled with danger
rough kisses
and a certain violence
He gave her
the warmth she craved
through his fiery passion
without singe
She gave him
a cooling calm
soothing his ravaged soul
with her gentle breeze
Unlikely pair?
Most definitely...
But what a balance
they achieved
He was her fire
She, his cooling breeze*

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