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 Mar 2015 NotMyRealName
Beneath the earth
There's a network
Of age old connectionlines
Each contributing to Oneness
And as our hearts and souls meet
They see that the connection
Between our souls
Was there all along
Spiritual connections and unconditional love <3
 Mar 2015 NotMyRealName
If only you said
''I've got you''
She won't be hurting this way
Saying she wants to die
 Mar 2015 NotMyRealName
Don't approach a dog unknown to you
Holding out your hand, making eye contact
You may frighten him
Let him come to you

Don't write a poem uninspired
It won't work out
In good time
Let it come to you

Don't go out there seeking love
Like a child with a butterfly net
Live your life
Let it come to you
Chin up,
Look ahead,
Back Straight,

Keep in check,
Don't act out,
Don't let them see you cry,

It isn't easy being queen,
It's harder than it seems,

Ruling the world,
With a firm steady hand,

Showing the world the picture perfect image they want to see,
Unable to be free.
 Mar 2015 NotMyRealName
Sia Jane
My Traitor’s Heart

I cut your heart open with a knife,
And drink you up like the elixir of life.
My body would now be the perfect host
To house the remnants of your ghost
Forestalling your indignant daily riposte.

At the dining table, I compulsively realign
Silverware. I take a crystal glass, pour red wine,
Knowing I’ve committed a murderous sin
Goosebumps form on every inch of my skin
Dark memories resume within.

You spoke to me of girls undreamed-of
You taught me lessons of absent love
Such stories only fed my vengeance,
And now my body pays it's penance;
Flesh laid bare. A life sentence.

Tonight, I trace with fingers, tramlines of
Forgiveness; my Mourning Dove.
I am now so pure, and Satan
Cannot punish me with rattan
Palm. I was never part of his grand plan.

© Sia Jane
Another challenge with form as Elinor Wiyle's "Full Moon."
I made a voodoo doll of you to stick some needles in
I filled your heart with knives and stuck your face with pins
And every time I cry now, I make another hole
I'll stick you full of needles and crack open your skull

I visited the witch doctor to have her shrink my head
But she misunderstood and she shrunk my heart instead
So now my chest is empty and my head still grows and grows
It's so huge, I lose balance and fall right off my toes

I stole a wizard's spellbook to find the magic words
Shouting gibberish into the wind, it's just so absurd
I would yell a thousand spells to make my heart complete
But my words just fall flat and then blow right down the street

— The End —