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 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
Out of the darkness into my room.
Tip toe, tip toe, you did walk.
Not a sound, eerie did you come.
Thirst for my soul you embellished.

Upon my naked neck, chills gave.
Breathe upon the hairs of my soul,
Taunting my sleep, laughter cried.
Screech screech tiny voice whined.

Awake, awake sleep no more!
My eyes open not, fear lock closed.
Pillow drowning, at the hearts plea.
While wiggle not given, urge urge.

Frozen ice in your shallow veins.
Tempestuous smile upon the brow.
Avalanche of growls piercing night.
Breast torn open and heart taken.


Silence, silence gasp for something.
Hand, nor eye from heaven fell.
Mercy mercy upon my knees I lay.
Demons scavenge, cause not seen.

Morrow, where is thy mercy?
Weakened soul and redundancy.
Whilst in thy bed, sleep you have.
Where is thy empathy?

Soaked sheets tightly wrapped,
Embossed tears flood the night.
Upon my cheeks questions flow.
Where is thy mercy, where oh where?

A single night, visit not I plea.
Upon raw knees, head hung low.
Hands grasping at heavens skirt.
Tears departing the dry soul.
 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
The evenings deafening silence
Surrendered by the screams
Passionately empty walls
Footprints exploring the halls

Darkness on middays' sun
As the tears rob the fun
Empty souls deeper in the well
Devils journey to a patient hell

Tears hidden by the smiles
Unforgettable tortuous miles
Rest not under the pine tree
To the undiscovered country flee

Fleeting kisses upon the brow
Friendship secretly disavowed
Lonely nights plea
As silence comes to be
 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
Its 4 am
The windows are locked
The doors are double locked
The hinges have been checked

Ive pulled the covers tight
Tighter and tighter till I can't

Shhhh, hush not a sound!

And now I can't see?

Hush, please!

Where is it that they might be.
The fear is choking the life from me.

I'm awake I'm awake, in my bed
In my bed I quake. Feel it shake!

I scream to the windows.
I scream to the walls.
To one and all, I call
But silence upon there ears fall.

Can you not hear me?
Can you not hear?
From neath the marsh I call.
Soaked with their pain.
A permanent bloods stain.

I call, I fall.
I fall and I call
I scream and I gleam
But my eyes have lost their beam.


 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
Darkness hides the widows song.
As the pines utter a sweet melody.
Burried deep neath the evergreens.
Hold fast the roots of dreams.

Mama cries, a song of songs!
As the world forgets who belongs.
Baby sighs, as the memory dies.
Submerged in a quaint bath of lies.

Oh but the mystery of dark.
Hidden as the devils embark.
Silent screams on deaf ears
As witness bears through the years.

From the darkness the soul creeps
As from the night, hope rings a peep.
Gentle, mumbling words stutter
For the truth will make you shutter.

Pleading words stab the heart.
From the bones tears depart.
Breathless gentle pleas.
Lost in ever deepening seas.

A final word upon rubber knees
Please! please! please!
 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
Tests your vigor and vim
Tests your vinegar
Your power to be good, thoughtful, and kind
Even when gray clouds surround you on the sunniest of days
Even when you wanted to dance in the rain jumping puddles
It's always something
Sometimes someone
But Debbie and Derek downers get out of the way
Even if it's always something

 Sep 2022 Jennifer DeLong
Rude and obnoxious
Testy curmudgeon
Who are you?
What happened to you?
Hope and kindness are still very much my makeup
Not sure about you?
Please don't blame Covid on it
We are stronger and are the do gooders in this world but I can only speak for myself because you are a stranger now?
What on earth could make you reincarnate into somebody that I don't  recognize?
Where did you go?
Do I care to know you any longer?

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