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Jennifer DeLong Oct 2021
How sad it is that you
find it amusing to tease me
And it's always the 1 thing
you know is something
I am so easily hurt by
If you really cared you'd
not bring it up
Or better yet you'd
find a way to help me
So next time I hope
you say nothing
cause it may be your last
I refuse to accept it
not anymore
© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏 10/18/21
Jennifer DeLong Oct 2021
It's become a crazy world
Grown men addicted to TikTok watching girls
Pretty wives now ignored
Single and aware how
last year changed me
Gained weight
and now feeling a bit shy
And the world's gone
shootings everyday
People still confused
we all are not sure
of what's ahead
and here , I am
still wondering
will it all end soon
will all the music
not be heard
and will I ever
feel pretty again
will all the media hores
stop teasing the men
and put on some clothes
and will we start reading books and enjoy it
It's got to change
Or we will just go insane
where's the days
when men acted like men
Where's the days women
felt desired
When people cared
when we got together
not in vain
when family's gathered
to share and catch up
When neighbors watched
out for each other
When we could feel safe
we could live really live
How , I miss it
How , I miss me
guess it's all changed
can't rewind
So move forward
trying to navigate
the craziness
the way it used to be
So , I sit write a letter
and make a call
and think about
how crazy it is now
Funny how it has
all gone a bit crazy
© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏
Jennifer DeLong Oct 2021
We crave comfort from another
We desire to be desired
We want to be wanted
Where do we go when we
are alone
We go alone to the loneliness
We try and we give to another
Yet we are alone
What choice do we have
We are alone
Where do we go
We go into ourselves
Where we can disappear
Where we can be with
our loneliness
it's what we have
We only have ourselves
We have no other
No comfort
No one to talk to
So we go into our
thoughts to create
for a awhile a sense
of hope
we can imagine if it where
different if we had it
how good it'd feel
That gives us
for awhile a place to go
when we have no other
© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏
Jennifer DeLong Sep 2021
If only , I could have
those most desired
If only , I could have
the love most desired
If only , I could have those
wishes & wants  
It is the if only's
But you see it's not how
it comes to be
The if only is just a dream
we can want it but only in
our dreams can it happen
then you wake up and
go about your day
still thinking if only
If only life was fair
If only we could be happy
with what we don't have
So just remember
If only is just that
If only ..
© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏
Jennifer DeLong Aug 2021
Chaos needs to take
his ***
far from me
Don't let chaos take a
free spin into your day
Just blow his *** away
Open that door
let him spin on to
someplace else
Chaos is just a mess
and is always causing
stress and *******
So kick his ugly ***
and tell him to go away
Your not a place he can hangout at anymore
© Jennifer L DeLong 🤟😁🙏 8/25/21
Jennifer DeLong Aug 2021
So quickly you forget
I just was with you
And so quickly
you forget , I exist
That's what frustrates
me the most
It's ok **** no it's not
I keep yelling to myself
Telling myself don't go
The text I get
maybe weeks later
I go again
I really can't continue
So quickly you always
forget ..
Why am , I so
quickly forgotten
I hope , I will figure
it out
And so quickly maybe
I will forget you to
© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏
Jennifer DeLong Aug 2021
Wanting something to change
Wanting to feel some sense
of normality
Days and nights
not living where , I can  feel free to be me
I am asking reaching out
calling on a higher power
I can't live like this anymore
I deserve to be where , I can
breath and be at my highest vibration
Where , I can feel content
loved and have a
fulfilling day to day
Wanting it needing
some normal
Why does wanting it
give me the feeling
it's never gonna happen
What needs to change
so much this is true
for others to care
to desire normality
But you must know
wanting is real
Come on higher power
Do your magic
Wanting it Wanting it
You give me some
at least a little

© Jennifer L DeLong 🦏
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