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  Jul 2017 Gemma
torn between the past and the present
another version of you dies
you run towards the future
but then you start to cry

what if
you'll always feel

push that aside; you're better than that.
you are intricate,
you are beautiful,
you are pure.

they just can't see it.

they just don't see you.

but i do.
i see your flaws, and how they make you beautiful.
i see the way your hair falls on your face,
the crack in your voice when you start to cry,
the patterns on your summer dress,
the strings on your black hoodie

i see you.
i see the way people ignore
something so

  Jul 2017 Gemma
B Moreaux
I feel it when
I lie in the clutter
parched and stirring
it tells me to close my eyes
so, I can see
it hands me it’s nourishment
love is the light
that leads me in the dark
when my eyes are closed
and hands are tied
It feeds my senses
And suggests
all things point to yes
Gemma Jul 2017
You and I were black and white
And everyone else was gray
You brought out parts of me I've never seen
You put me into my highest highs
And my lowest lows
I thought I wanted gray
I thought gray was healthy
But I want you
In a field of gray I built around me
I want you
I want the bright light you pushed me into
And the black you consumed me in
I want to live my life with you
I want to experience everything with you by my side
I want to wake up with you on a Sunday and sit in the sun drinking our coffee silently
I want to fix the sleep deprived stress in your eyes when you come home from work
I want you to hold my stomach with love in your eyes
While it grows into something beautiful
I want to cause storms in your eyes
And drown in the current
I want to see you on our brand new couch
With your cheeky little smile
I want to feel your disappointment
Send me into a lonely spiral
I want you to kiss our beautiful daughter on her head
And wave goodbye to her when you leave for work
I want to yell at you for doing nothing for us
And I want to see you try
I want your blacks just as much as I want your whites
I wish I had known that sooner
Gemma Jul 2017
I started missing you early on.
I started missing you while I was still with you.
I missed you while I was sitting across from you
while your grin still lit up my heart.
I missed you while your mouth was on me
with your tongue sending me into a spiral.
I started missing you when I realized we wouldn't last.
I started letting you go before I left you.
I tried to pretend that that wasn't the case,
I tried to stay oblivious.
I should have left you the first time.
I could have left you the first time,
if I had just let myself face it.
If I had faced the fact that you would only warm my bed for a small portion of my life.
But I stayed long enough for you to latch on
and begin building a home inside of my heart.
It wasn't fair to either of us;
I should have let you go the moment I started missing you,
but I'm a hopeful dreamer.
My kindness in the end hurt us more than it could have.
But I still don't know what that means.
Does that mean I should give up the second I'm unsure?
That jaded lifestyle will leave me lonely.
But I don't want to stay long enough to let it fester,
for my heart to commit another naive suicide.
Your presence may seem a cruel one for life to inflict on me,
but life isn't supposed to be easy.

You ignited a fire in me;
A hungry desire to do better;
One that was seemingly waiting to be lit.

I've learned so much.
You've helped me put things together,
and to find some pieces.
I curse life for breaking my heart like that
But I beg it to do whatever it needs to do
If I need to break
Hundreds of times
To become who it is I want to be
Then so be it
Life should not be bland
I should experience everything there is to
I feel like it's debatable on whether I can survive this
Like if I have to face it again I won't be able to
But I can
And I will
I will grow and become stronger
Though it will ******* me still
Sooner or later I'll begin to know
What to give and what to leave to fate
Though you seem big right now
In comparison to the picture life will paint for me
You are but a small part
To a large masterpiece
Gemma Jul 2017
I miss finding pieces of us on the floor
I miss our soft words tugging at each others zippers
I miss our sharp insults ripping at each others buttons
I miss the feeling of myself spilling out
Of my walls crumbling to the floor
I miss every piece of me being exposed
Open to your eyes
I miss playing with everything I found inside of you
I miss our carelessness causing everything to lay scattered on the ground
I miss swapping ideas and thoughts
I miss the library we built together
We didn't have time to clean up
To split evenly what was laying on the ground around us
You took what you could and you ran
With my voice urging you to go
Now I lay here in our mountains of things
I stroke the pieces you left behind
And I start rebuilding my walls
I start putting the pieces that I have back together inside of me
I know that I'm missing some
And I know that when you go through the same process you'll find them and think of me
As I sort through myself
I find things that I don't want anymore
I discard things from both you and I
And rebuild a different way
The walls I'm building now are thinner
Because I know the feeling of them spilling down is a good one
The library inside of me now has more meaning, and less gaps
I'm still in the process of cleaning
I think I will always miss finding pieces of us on the floor
But I'm preparing myself to be ready to experience it again.
  Jul 2017 Gemma
Christopher Lowe
Welcome to the dream catcher
But don't linger long
Lest you want to stay
To find your dreams

— The End —