i govern an idling heart
doomingly glazey
won't lift a care but won't swat no fly either
maintains functional with the safety hitched on
observes the public goings and fro-ings
without discrimination
but offers no service
no aid
and no addition
docile and folded and dormant of view
in a world-scape kniving to be brighter
more memorable and avidly self dominant
i am a skiving witness
the older i get the more this approach
is not an easy one
i observe a neighbour bully about his kids
using jest rewards between shouting them to heel
and cuffing them violent
i observe a lady place her friend
with a simple remark
('i like your choker.. it's like something i wore as a child
it's nice to remember that')
i observe war retread on the screen
i observe a couple secretly kiss and brush fingers.
human spoil seen now ;
it draws pity, pain and longing
i am not devoid
despite much practice
some involvement on my part
may be due