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Native Intuition Sep 2014
Some nights
the memories still take over.
Some nights
you are still
the only thing I want to think about.

So I retreat
to shut off the outside world.
I bury myself in those old emotions.
I bury myself in those memories.

I want to remember them all
every insignificant detail.

I want to remember the faint scent of your hair
thrown into the air
as you rested your head down on my shoulder.

but I can't
and that bothers me.
Native Intuition Sep 2014
Delicate atmosphere
Intrinsically understood
Nature's intricate ecosystems
Our planetary amniotic fluid

Unborn children
Safe within the womb
Helplessly pondering our existence
Relentlessly hoping that soon
Something will save us
Will come to wake us up

As if this life is not enough..

I wonder if the star that exploded
and created the atoms of which I consist
is proud of the reincarnation
that has grown to presently exist

This life giving source
My Mother; this Earth
To whom we owe our lives
for the very possibility of birth.

Safe in our first moments
inside our Mother's womb
While our Mothers were safe within Hers
This Earth is a living entity
and we must protect the roots of truth
from which the gift of life occurs.
Native Intuition Sep 2014
The presence of her love
seems to come and go in waves.
Eloquently spoken,
this omen takes its shape.
In full bloom like a full moon it looms
then without a word,
none spoken, none heard-
it always dissipates.

The rains and change in season,
could very well be the reason,
because she's always chosen to see.
She's one of Mother Nature's children
a creature of growth she will inevitably be.

Lunar pull abide,
we'd drive for hours just to find
the darkest places to lay outside.
Speaking open mind,
watching the starry sky,
until the Sun would rise.

Still, she has her rising tides-
for our love grew far and wide.
Random nights from out of sight,
she comes to me to hide.
My arms forever open
and in me she still confides.
Native Intuition Sep 2014
I can still hear my grandfather's words;
The forest will provide.

The forest

will provide.

Should your mind ever fall ill
from this modern world of cheap thrills
The forest will provide.

Should you ever long for something real
Tired eyes from all this concrete and steel
The forest will provide.

Should you find yourself cold and lost in search
of the days of old, living one with the Earth
The forest will provide.

It is in your blood to survive
To live free from this world of nine to five

The forest will provide.
Native Intuition Aug 2014
Frigid, timid
frozen in time
no longer concealed
this galaxy in full shine
I cannot continue to hide

Fire of the Sun
the lessons I must learn
Scars ever present
from the ferocity of the burn

Yet still
my blood it warms
Yet still
my world it turns

Locked in a lovers dance
and universally aligned
and the truth of it all
sends shivers
down my stardust spine.
Native Intuition Aug 2014
Dark is the night in which we both reside
Black curls unfurl like waves in midnight's rising tide
Thirty years I’ve walked this Earth, and since birth I’ve tried to find
Everything you inherently possess inside
You are a different direction; the brightest constellation in the night sky
Stars burn as the more I learn, each time you speak your mind.
Native Intuition Aug 2014
Take my hand;
We can leave all this sadness far behind.
Walk beside me;
Together we can shoulder the weight of these broken ships.
We’ll find our way through the forests
and take the highland pass over the mountains,
out to where the Heavens rest on the horizon.
Far from the damage and conflict,
far from the disgrace and confusion.
Free to stage our story among all that is still wild
and all that is still beautiful.
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