I love you as a deer loves the embrace of sun-dappled groves,
An oak the earth, a robin the nesting crooks of leafy branches.
This love comes naturally.
You keep me grounded, and give me a home in which I am free to grow, entangled in you.
I love you as an eagle loves the lifting currents of the wind,
A dolphin the waves, the tides the pull of the circling moon.
This love comes naturally.
You give me strength, the courage to strive to be a better person, not tomorrow, but today.
I love you like a lion’s roar echoing across the savanna,
A moonlit kiss, Olympian gold glittering in the eyes of a cheering crowd.
This love come naturally.
You awaken my passion, stir my hearts’ depths unlocking feelings I’d never knew existed, till now.
I love you like no one I have loved before,
And for reasons singularly different
Than I will ever love again.
You are my rock, my muse, my fire.
I have never loved anyone
So naturally.