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Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
We love all trees                                                                                                       Here or there ,                                                                                                           Long or short ,                                                                                                          Green or not ,                                                                                                  Up or down ,                                                                                                                   Simply because they're                                                                                            Lovely places to rest underneath anytime or                                                         To pick fruits from them ...                                                                                      God created them to us to enjoy life more and more ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
To live a certain dream that never comes true,then                                               It's entirely an ugly illusion ...                                                                                  To rely on the dead people ,then                                                                             It's greatly a bad illusion ...                                                                                     To be in a valley and the other people                                                                    In another valley ,then                                                                                             It's horribly an illusion ...                                                                                         If you think a certain war leads to a certain peace,then                                        It's wholly a bitter illusion ...                                                                                   To come and to go at the same time ,then                                                                     That's a bad illusion ...                                                                                        There are still many illusions in one's life ...                                                      ___________________­_
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
I can not that long road at all                                                                                   Simply because it looks like a dead-end ...                                                              That tunnel of hope extends endlessly ,but                                                               There might so stumbling-blocks ahead ...                                                                Clouds cover all those pretty and brilliant stars                                                      Up in the high skies ...                                                                                                  White doves hover over our heads                                                                            Looking for a safer haven for themselves ....                                                               Cars with flat tires are useless anytime ....
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
كنا اطفالا صغارا                                                                                                               نلعب بأي شيء يقع تحت ايدينا                                                                                                كالكلال و المور و الوليماي و الركض و تسلق الجدران و                                                               كرة القدة و الطميمة و غيرها ...                                                                                              كنا اطفالا صغارا                                                                                                                بلا كلل و لا ملل                                                                                                                  من الصباح الى المساء ...                                                                                                        السرور و البهجة كانت تملأ صدورنا                                                                                          و كانت الحياة مختلفة عما هي الآن ...                                                                                           و في ليلة كالحة و سوداء                                                                                                    تحول كل شيء الى كره اعمى بين الاخوة ...                                                                          الآن الصواريخ تنهمر على البيوت                                                                                         و كأن من يقذفها يظن انه يرمي بالورود و الرياحين على الناس ...                                                  انها حياة لا تطاق                                                                                                             و حرب عمياء لا تبقي و لا تذر ...                                                                                           تحول فرد الطقطيق الى فرد حقيقي يقتل بلا رحمة                                                                      و تحول فرد الفلين الى شيء آخر ...                                                                                       شيء لا يصدق !                                                                                                             الاخوة يتقاتلون بالنيابة                                                                                                         عن الشيطان و تجار الاسلحة !                                                                                             ضاع الحب و صار بدلا عنه                                                                                               ذلك الكره المقيت ...                                                                                                           لم يعد هناك لا حكمة و لا حكماء !                                                                                             لقد جرى الدم البريء على الارض                                                                                        و صار من الصعب لمه او جمعه ...                                                                                      امتلئت القبور و ازداد عدد الايتام و الارامل                                                                            و الجوع و الفقر و العوز و الذل ...                                                                                          لا يمكن مقارنة الطفولة الجميلة                                                                                             مع ما يحدث الآن !                    &nbs
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
When it rains ,                                                                                                           It means dogs and cats (heavily)anytime                                                               Simply because not a few drops of rains                                                                Make that rains we expect ...                                                                                   Either heavy rains or                                                                                                 No rains at all ,but                                                                                                     It's not our choice anytime ...                                                                                    It's Heaven's choice that makes rains                                                                      Plenty or not anytime ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
My eyes see ,                                                                                                             My ears hear ,                                                                                                          My hands touch ,                                                                                                     My nose smells ,and                                                                                                 My mouth talks ...                                                                                                    I have five great senses that work great and                                                          I thank my Lord greatly and wonderfully                                                             Simply because I am greatly healthy ...____________________­
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
I feel my pretty child well                                                                                        Simply because there is a child inside me ...                                                          I feel every moment of my childhood                                                                    Simply because it's a real thing ...                                                                           I am still connected with my childhood's days                                                      Greatly and wonderfully                                                                                         Simply because I do not want to forget them ...                                                    I remember all those wonderful games                                                                  I enjoyed with my playmates over there ...                                                             My mind stores all my Childhood's greatly and admiringly ...                                                              I live in my childhood and                                                                                 My childhood lives in me ...                                                                                It's difficult to forget my pretty child                                                                  Simply because if someone does not have                                                         A pretty childhood(past),then                                                                             One's present and future will not be                                                                  As great as one's past ....
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