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Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
You know people ,                                                                                                   Rich or poor ,                                                                                                           Here or there ,                                                                                                           If they stand with you                                                                                              When urgent and when needed ...                                                                          Some people disappear                                                                                            When you need them anytime ,but                                                                        A few stay beside you anytime ...                                                                           That's the way with our world ....
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
ما ضل شي بيسوا                                                                                                            كل شي ادمر و خرب                                                                                                        و كتر الوجع و كتر الالم                                                                                                    و صار كل شي خراب بخراب                                                                                            و صار البكي عنوان ...                                                                                                    ادمرت البيوت و المحلات                                                                                                  و التاريخ و الجغرافيا                                                                                                         و اللي بيسوا و مابيسوا                                                                                                      و صار كل الناس ولاد حنيكير                                                                                              و ماتت الدنيا كلا ...                                                                                                                           ما ضل شي ... كل راح ...                                                                                             الائبور انملت و مات الكل ...                                                                                           كل شي راح                                                                                                                و ما ضل شي ...                                                                                                          يمكن في ناس عميان                                                                                                      ما بيشوفوا شو صار حواليون !                                                                                        اللي هرب .. هرب                                                                                                        و اللي ضرب ... ضرب ...                                                                                             فضيت الشوارع و                                                                                                        البيوت انسرئت ...                                                                                                        الكهربا مطفية                                                                                                              و الماي مئطوعة                                                                                                          و الحياة بتموت ...                                                                                                        برد و جوع و خوف و الم و                                                                                             كل شي ما بيسوا ...                                                                                                      شو اللي صار ؟!                                                                                                          فهمونا !        
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
I hide myself                                                                                                             Beyond those crossing clouds                                                                                  Simply because it's my temporary domicile                                                          Over there ...                                                                                                             I hide myself                                                                                                             In a spider's web                                                                                                       Simply because I feel it good for some time ...                                                       I hide myself                                                                                                             Inside a shell                                                                                                              Simply because I love to be there ...                                                                    I hide myself                                                                                                         Inside a grain of sand                                                                                           Simply because I feel better ...                                                                             My house is merely now                                                                                   An ugly tent that smells nasty and                                                                     I feel cold over there ...                                                                                         It's me located anywhere and everywhere                                                         like any piece of rock or a piece of stone ...                                                        It's me missing in this world's sufferings and pains ...                                       Loss accompanies me and its shadow                                                                Prey on me ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
A mountain is always higher than                                                                          Any deep valley ...                                                                                                    Love never seeks selfishness                                                                                     Simply because it's great ...                                                                                     The pretty sun always rises in the east and                                                            Sets in the west ...                                                                                                     Tomorrow will be better ...                                                                                       Today is better than yesterday ...                                                                           Peace always prevails ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
In Fall ,                                                                                                                      Most of trees' leaves fall except                                                                                Those evergreen ones ...                                                                                           In Winter,                                                                                                                  All trees are naked                                                                                                    Except those evergreen ones ...                                                                                In Spring,                                                                                                                  All trees get blossoms and                                                                                        They look greatly pretty ...                                                                                      In Summertime,all trees' fruits get ripe                                                                   And we pick what we can ...                                                                               ____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
We are all sinners                                                                                                     Simply we're human beings ...                                                                                Repentance's door is greatly open to                                                                      All of us anytime,anywhere,and everywhere ...                                                     Those who insist on going on ,then                                                                         Hell will be their suitable place ...                                                                           Heaven was created by God                                                                                    For those who do good deeds anytime ...                                                               Repentance's door is widely open to all sinner                                                       Simply Because God is Great and Merciful ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
كانت و ما زالت و ستظل مديتنا                                                                                            جميلة                                                                                                                           رغم الاوجاع و رغم الآلام التي                                                                                            ترزح تحتها ...                                                                                                               لقد تحولت - بين ليلة و ضحاها -                                                                                          الى مدينة للأشباح و كذلك للموت ...                                                                                      ماذا حصل لمدينتنا الجميلة ؟!                                                                                                مدينتنا قوية و صامدة                                                                                                         و لن تركع الا لله ...                                                                                                           ستظل شمس مدينتنا مشرقة                                                                                                      و مهما حصل                                                                                                              و ستظل في قلوبنا و في عقولنا                                                                                         الى الابد ...........................
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