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Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
My heart feels and                                                                                                    My mind feels you too                                                                                             Simply because I know                                                                                            You are suffering from                                                                                             Everything around you ...                                                                                       All that is merely a summertime's cloud                                                                Crossing ,but slowly ...                                                                                             Everything will be okay                                                                                           You just be patient .
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Everything got burnt and                                                                                      Everyone got perished                                                                                            Simply because some of us                                                                                     Lacked that pretty wisdom  ...                                                                                Stubbornness and stupidity                                                                                    Prevailed of that pretty wisdom ...                                                                         When owning wisdom,then                                                                                    We own everything that is good ...                                                                         Wisdom still works as a pretty alternative ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Death tolls increase and                                                                                           Gravediggers are wanted                                                                                         Simply because those ugly wars                                                                             Sweep and reap more innocent souls                                                                      Here and there ...                                                                                                      Life is getting worse and worse                                                                               Simply because man kills man                                                                               Anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                                  More graves are needed everyday                                                                           For those new dead people ...                                                                              Wars or infighting never stop                                                                            Here and there                                                                                                      For many reasons ...                                                                                            All corpses are still in the streets and                                                                  Inside those destroyed buildings                                                                         Here and there ..............                                                                                       Life is unbearable and ugly                                                                                 For many reasons ....                                                                                            There are no more gravediggers                                                                         Simply because everyone died ...                                                                        That's our world now ...                                                                                       Where are we ?!                                                                                                   _____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
الرجال ارادة و علم و حب و افكار نيرة                                                                                   و ليس فقط شوارب ...                                                                                                       ليس اللباس وحده او الشكل                                                                                                  يقرر ...                                                                                                                         الكرم و الشجاعة و النخوة                                                                                                   و المروءة و كل شيء جميل ...                                                                                            هناك رجال و هناك                                                                                                          ظلال ...                                                                                                                       الرجال رجال                                                                                                                 في كل زمان و في كل مكان .
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
A poem is everything                                                                                              That conveys                                                                                                             What I feel or what I sense anytime ...                                                                    It depicts or it can tell about                                                                                    One thing or a lot of things in life ...                                                                       It might talk about a flower ,a hero,a war or                                                         Anything anywhere and everywhere ...                                                                 It might contain                                                                                                        Lovely things or bad things                                                                                     Simply because it depends ...                                                                                                            It might be in the shape of a flower or                                                               A person ...                                                                                                           It might contain pretty messages                                                                        About people or about things ...                                                                          I love to write poems all the time                                                                        Simply because I feel myself                                                                               Amid my poems anytime ...                                                                               _____________________
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Undoubtedly all great players know                                                                      Their roles accurately ...                                                                                           No one goes beyond                                                                                                 One's role anytime ...                                                                                               All roles are planned greatly                                                                                    To suit themselves ...                                                                                                 Any violation of one's role ,then                                                                              It will inevitably lead to one's end ...                                                                       Crossing red lines is not allowed anytime ...
Mohammad Skati Feb 2015
Eyes watch carefully ,                                                                                                Ears hear fearfully ,                                                                                                  Hands tremble greatly ,                                                                                             Noses smell that gunpowder that fills                                                                      All places up ,and                                                                                                       Scared mouths talk about that war ...                                                                       At war and at anything like wars ,                                                                           No laws or regulations go on ,but                                                                             The volleys of bullets and the loud shelling are heard over there ...
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