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Apr 2020 · 333
Happy Birthday?
LGY Apr 2020
Do do so so la la so.
This melody couldn't be ever more boring.
and people expect the birthday dude or dudette to feel happy?
Rite of Spring should be universalized as the new birthday song.
Apr 2020 · 857
LGY Apr 2020
Hello poetry?
What poetry?
All I see is a bland formulation of "creativity"
Expressing the self?
What self?
Who determines the construction of the "self"?
The becoming?
Apr 2020 · 140
LGY Apr 2020
Apr 2020 · 1.6k
Dur Dubstepper
LGY Apr 2020
Boomzzz tikki tikki tikki
Wah Wah oomphz oomphz
me 69 ******* on yo momma and yo sis
Dr Weedlord ain't got time your hissy fits
dunk dur *** all over yo ****
Slap *** and go on reighding
Daddy Boozhead  banging on your meemaw
asdf hu asdofh u asdjfnhau sdfh unh

p.s no women are harmed in the making of this production
Jan 2020 · 135
The Masculine One
LGY Jan 2020
Why is poetry being considered feminine
Expression can be Wagnerian,
godly and bold.
Point them to the steeds of the Valkeries
I say
Dec 2019 · 224
The dynamic duo
LGY Dec 2019
There are 2 lions,
striding on the surface on the earth
with golden silky mane.
1 in America; the other in Britain.
What a time to be in.
Dec 2019 · 185
Marx a.k.a Santa Claus
LGY Dec 2019
He has a beard.
He has a beer belly.
He loves to "help" humanity.
** ** **!!!
Merry Christmas.
Dec 2019 · 580
LGY Dec 2019
today's a special day.
symmetry in its date.
good day bored one.
Why else would you be here?
Dec 2019 · 314
Merry Christmas?
LGY Dec 2019
A time where there is snow,
where santa goes ** ** **.
Many died in frost,
enveloped under sheets of snow.
Goodbye world.
And here I am forever alone.
Feb 2019 · 566
The Black Knight
LGY Feb 2019
Oh, Shadowmare,
I ride on your back,
please charge forward for god's sake.

Hopping over squares like a maniac,
oh please,
you're making me giddy alright.

Only at the outpost,
will you be satisfied,
horsing around playing mind games.

On the hill,
the enemy in fear, asking,
what's the stallion doing up here.

Soon the enemy king choked,
and died of a heart attack,
We won the war,
after all.
Aug 2018 · 348
Philip Glass-like humor
LGY Aug 2018
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Jun 2018 · 382
A Poem?
LGY Jun 2018
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
I love being cliche,
and being lazy too.
May 2018 · 718
Reality and dreams
LGY May 2018
I grew weary of the world around me,
for it deceives me time and time again.
How do I know i'm not a prisoner,
out of desperation,
hallucinates he's at home,
cosy in bed, with
nice warm soup at the desk,
waiting for his master to devour it dead.
How do I know I'm not sleeping,
and this is a all a dream.
I could be a King,
under a spell casted by the devil,
fogging my vision from god.
I can't look back now,
and have to move forward,
discovering the truth,
a task too urgent to be discarded.
Braving through this nightmare,
kudos to those made it through.
May 2018 · 635
Patches the pirate
LGY May 2018
Patches the pirate.

Meek on the outside.

A titan on the inside.

Bringing win percentages up,

more than Rag shots can.

Shaking up aggro,

seasoning it with salt.

A legendary,

striking paralysing fear.

2 years across 7 seas,

in ladder- and touney-decks.

“Hahaha,”Ben Brode chuckled,

“I’m in charge” soon come to an end.

— The End —