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they shattered you
and scattered
your broken pieces
in the atmosphere
little did they know
the universe
is on your side—
you are a galaxy
that keeps on
from the tiniest speck
you collect your dust,
from your ashes rise
another life.
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
I am the trending poem.                                                            ­            
         you see me and I make you feel alive
                                             so you like me and re-post me
                                                              ­    then you leave me alone to die.
I am your forgotten lines.
             you created me with a careful love
                                                          an­d decisive rhymes
                                      and then to the bottom of your page I'm shoved.
I am forgotten, alone and unloved
                           a faded smile a broken dove
                                               I once was beautiful, touching.
                                                       ­   now, I've been replaced, I'm nothing.
it is few that seek for color,
when the world leaves them grey.

it is few that climb mountains,
when only plains come their way.
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
Sam Lylin
I’m sorry I gave up on you
I’m sorry that I needed to
I’m sorry that I left your side
I’m sorry that you always lied

I never should have trusted you
You always seemed so good, so true
I shouldn’t have believed your lies
I should have seen through your disguise

Gradually, you took my heart
Turned my mind to abstract art
Told me how you loved me so
Then stood up to pack and go

Three words I never should have said
That let you straight into my head
I said I love you
I meant I love you
You knew I loved you

Three more words are on my lips
Words I know will never fix
Anything you put me through
Even if you miss me too

I miss you
Or maybe I don’t miss you
I just miss the person I thought you were

Now I don’t know who to trust
‘Cause all we were has turned to dust
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
It’s funny how I
Think one day I’ll be
Able to the girl of your
But then I come back to reality
Just to realize that’ll never
Happen to me
But in the mean time I’ll stare
At you looking so happily
But deep down I’m crying because
If the girl
I can’t be.
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
JoJo Nguyen
Enjoy the Saturday
in our Frigid

Conditioning response
as our Kevin

Bill and Harvey's name
on our wall


 Nov 2017 mickey finn
when did everything
get so serious?

seems like half a breath ago
we played and smoked
we talked and fought

but the expositions over,
now the conflict begins
as we're heading up
our arc of suspense.

as our self worth starts dropping
through constant comparison
of our backstage
with their performance,

we start getting beaten
and we start thinking that
we deserve to get beaten.

as our cheating and lying
turns from harmful mistakes
to just another part in a
cyclic self destructive
downward spiral,

we begin making the
unthinkably miserable
happen impossibly frequently.

so witness live:
the loss of another generation
to self violence
mental health
and despair.
Listen to this song
Heal the child you left behind
Tell him no more lies
Set his feet on fertile soil

Tend to him with care
Give him brand new memories
Share with him your dreams
Letting daylight make them real

Walk him into night
Plucking nightmares from his soul
Leave the hurt behind
Pick the fruit that leaves him whole
Let your flower bloom and grow
For Ronny and Susan.
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