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I'm not a pair,
I'm odd.
The ark has sailed
Without me on board.
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
Soph T
What am I hoping for?
Nothing will ever come.
You will never come home,
I will never get better.
We drift further apart everyday.
I still remember the day you didn't come back.
You told me not to worry,
You told you would be okay,
You lied.
 Nov 2017 mickey finn
Every poem, every word
Every stanza
Is but a drop in the bucket

Sometimes the bucket is empty
Sometimes it's overflowing
To the point where even if I stopped
It would still stain an entire carpet

A poet's work is a work of art
Each line drawn with precision
By a pen filled by an open wound
Yet never staining the paper

Every drop, every letter
Every cut
Is purposeful; filled with intent

Sometimes the intent is release
Sometimes it's excruciating
To the point where if I stopped
I would feel its pain for decades

A poet's work is a careful slice
Each word chosen with precision
By a knife stained in blood
Yet never missing the mark

With every line, every metaphor
Every stab
We're bleeding for your enjoyment

Bleeding for our art
Until we have no more blood to give
The news said:
"It's entirely likely,
in fact, it's more likely,
that we are living in a simulation."

The circus and the chorus lines
are just for the architect's amusement.
When the leotards on the high wire
fall, he laughs the hardest.

Measuring the moon with his hands,
does anyone knows its' circumference?
"If someone can measure the moon,
we are better off."

Everyone forgets
the fallen artist,
and stares at the moon.
Some shout indiscriminately.

Three engineers
create a proof,
that creates an equation,
that is widely believed
for the next 100 years, before
proven later to be false.

The artist nurses his broken knee.
"Can't anyone see I'm suffering?"
Everyone stares at the moon.
Two brains, eyes, ears and lungs,
Two feet, legs, arms and hands;
Ten toes and fingers,
Two kidneys too,
And teeth to spare,
Still countless are my thinning hairs.
I'm ready for the deluge,
I'm a walking ark.

And why not two souls too.

If I had two souls,
I know what I would do;
Like Dorian, I'd degenerate.
Let one be ****** eternally,
The other gets Paradise.
The odds are in my favor,
I'm rolling dotless dice.

And two hearts would do.

If I could have two hearts,
How'd I be today?
One could be broken,
One stay whole,
Not to be given away.
Yet my outcome
Would be the same;
A thousand hearts won't do.
Racism an illness to colour someone
Racist treats words like a loaded gun
let us communicate
let's not hate
nor to irritate
let us not ****
as racism will
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