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 May 2016 Michael Blonski
A speck of paradise
A miracle abandoned
Only waiting for the clouds to change to gray
Hanging in those dark untitled spaces
Her petals are a useless perfection
Her poetry a moonlit someday

A messy galaxy
A teardrop infinity
Grace doesn't paint amorous feelings
On headaches in the space under the bed
Her flower blooms a bruise
Her worlds are dying words
Dedicated to a friend
There was a walk I took
When I was younger,
And love held my hand.
Crossing the Pyrenees barefoot and carefree,
I felt everything.  
But your eyes were empty.

I remember when the rain came.
All the pain I carried,
Fell away behind me.
My footprints heartshaped in the mud,
Soaking deep into my soul.
You walked without a trace.

Something told me this was it.
I had dreams
Wider than the sky.
And you closed your heart
To all my love.
While I tried to fly,
You kept walking.
You kept walking;
That's all you could do.

So, oh I took that flight across the seven seas.
Hungry,  I ate the world up.
I took my love with me.
You kept walking.
You kept walking.
That's all you knew how to do.

A journey into the light and darkness.
And I'm just beginning, baby.
Somewhere out there
I'll live my dreams.
(C) MKD 2016
 May 2016 Michael Blonski
Love like it's the last day
you are allowed to breathe.
Dream like madmen
lunatics running in the streets
dream like children
wanting to touch the sky
with their paper wings.
Feel the air entering your skin
run, jump, scream,
watch the sunsets
talk to the moon
feel the rain
cry if you must,
travel to unknown places,
don't listen to the ones who tell you
that you're not supposed to dream,
touch horizons
enjoy the stars
and the sleepless nights.
look around to things tomorrow you might not have.
dance like crazy people
the way trees dance with the wind
but don't forget to hear the music.
Life is a song
hear its melody
before the silence breaks in.        

I can't look at you
I can't give into your lies
but it is still hard
 May 2016 Michael Blonski
The hours disappear instantly like blown out
flames off weary candles.
But time is no match for such raging hearts.

We would still hold up the receding
indigo ceiling above us.
We would prop up the sullen moon to stave
off the dawning day.
We will clutch the dwindling stars
and hug them close to our chests.

Because we know the words too well.
Words we simply couldn't cage except to say that...

We are not yet ready to leave
but we look forward to
diving headlong into
the inevitable restart.

Just so the day could grant us a
slate brand new.
Just so that come night,
we could begin all over again.
enchanted fairy

land upon my windowsill

oh thou mystical

tell me there’s another realm

profer me escape

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