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I said your name more than I've ever said I love you
I think eventually they became one in the same to me
Suddenly your name became the most important word that would ever leave my lips
Your name, a singular word, would come to mean the word to me
And eventually
Your name
Instead of being breathed in between the I love you's
Would soon be between the broken sobs filled with regret
I pray for the day where I can say your name without feeling each piece of myself that I worked too hard to put back together threaten to fall apart again into the mess I am now
One day
I'll be okay
And your name will only be a fleeting memory
Spring is all dressed up in her flowered gown
Upon her leafy green head set's a splendid sun lit crown
Her lips are the brightest cardinal red
Winter seen her coming and hastily fled
Animals wake from their long sleep, waiting on her to see
Her eyes are as deep and blue as the brilliant sea
On her finger's resides diamonds of dew
Spreading through the sky, rainbow hues
She stretches fourth her eager hand
Her green thumb touching every piece of land
As the tears run down her face
Bringing life once more with grace
Pain and agony were just an
'inseparable aspect of love's genetics.'
But I am certain
that love doesn't burn skin.
Malice, rejection, jealousy,
and abandonment
tend to set bodies ablaze.

Not love.
Love is the kindest,
passionate, and tender-hearted
emotion in this world.
Do not take sorrow
or disappointment
for love.

Love is butter.
Smooth and flavorful...
Even if it burns black
in the pan.
Butter can't burn skin.
It touches
and melts.
For myself

Woke up and wrote this a few nights ago. Forgot it was even on my phone until now.

“You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write.”
 May 2016 Michael Blonski
I spend my love on you
like pennies tossed into empty fountains of youth -
like loose change loyally saved,
built up in a piggy bank,
a compilation of broken promises you never made
becoming blood clots in my lungs.
I would say they're in my heart
but I can't breathe when I see her.
Tax season is over and my savings continue
to drain -
they sit at your doorstep
waiting to be cashed in
for what I thought was an investment
but has become a liquidation of my entire being.
Empty wallets haven't caught wind of my addiction,
but the pennies on the ground talk.
Found heads down, I give them a voice,
and they, too, drown with the rest.
I think it's time I stop tossing change and you start seizing the day.
*I'm not sure of this title - grateful for any suggestions.
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