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Your words pulverized me again and again
I saw each little arrow
that lead me in circles
back to your doorstep,
wanting to reach out, touch you
but was afraid you weren’t there,
Did you understand the love we shared
Deeper than the depth of the Pacific,
but the schism of the abyss deepened,
like a cracking Mariana, imploding unto itself,
as I play each scene through my mind
what did I do to make you turn away
I wonder…
it was hard to say
good bye…,

My angel, it has been long, since I saw you
yet whatever little moments that we spent
were blessed pearls in shining oysters,
worn around our hearts
I aver it still hurts to know
you are still there somewhere
How I miss…
the endless, senseless talks
wishing for more of those precious moments,
but life, does it value treasured seconds?
I wonder…
then why is it that
I miss the most…us?

I hope to awaken when the sun comes up
and rubbing my eye, I see the dream crash
see you standing before me
as if you had never left my side.

The parallel worlds.
My princess, just peep out of the castle window
Do you see that glorious steed?
A knight atop, in his shining armour
Perhaps not…
Since with changed time’s dimensions
I stand on the tor while your castle is in the vale,

Each looking at the other as a mist
Yet still there, where we were…
Nothing has changed, yet there is no constant
The eye of the storm has changed the breeze
The sailboats changing tack, yet on the same course
All a matter of perception…*

Look out of your dream and you shall find
Us, standing on the same shore that we last left,
The travels and travails seem to keep us adrift
Bobbing up and down, times tides
Synchronous, dancing to the beat of the waves…

Debbie Brooks.
Thank you Dee.. its an honor to collaborate with you
When tears drown you down
Do not let sadness escape
Make art with the pain
Destruction shall be your muse
Till you rise above the sea.
Tanka is a classic form of Japanese poetry related to the haiku with five unrhymed lines of five, seven, five, seven, and seven syllables. (5, 7, 5, 7, 7)
Flood on me
Drown me deep
Gasping for air
Daunting mystique

Impaled vulture claws
Tearing out vein
Captivating ****
Wretched in pain

Injected in the arm
Poison me slow
Agonizing sediments
Driven in the hole

Trapped in the wreck
Impaled by the steel
**** drunk driver
Can't really feel

Long way down
High off the bridge
Rejecting my mistake
Dead on the ridge
I'm THAT person.
You know the one.
The one you want to impale with a blunt object.
You will be texting them and you will disagree on something.
So they will tell you why they are right
And you will send them all these brilliant arguments about why you are right
And they will respond...
By correcting your grammar.
Yes, THAT right there, is ME.
Is it REALLY that hard though?
There is:
There, their, and they're.
Your, yore, and you're.
My friends and I.
NOT my friends and me.
If you're going to upset me, please,
Just kick me in the head or slam a hammer into my face but PLEASE do not say oxes. It's OXEN!.
And don't even get me started on it's and its.
When you mess that up... just ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.
It hurts me! Really!  Agonizing torture!  
One day I'm going to snap and vandalize a billboard.
When I get arrested for that, the sad part will be that
It will be because I was correcting the "Got Milk?" Ad.
Got milk.
Got. Milk.
I'm sorry, GOT milk?!!
Did you mean do you HAVE any milk?!!
But police don't feel that improper grammar is a good  excuse for the defacing of property.
Yes, yes, yes I KNOW I'm a grammar ****
But do you know what? I wouldn't have to be one if people would quit MURDERING the English language!!
So please, before I spontaneously combust.
Get. It. Right.

Repost if yous Is one of thoses persons whose bothereded bye theses stuffs and badder grammar makeses yous madder then any others peopleses on earth.
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my work and really anything else you have to say!
Repost if yous Is one of thoses persons whose bothereded bye theses stuffs and badder grammar makeses yous madder then any others peopleses on earth.
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my work and really anything else you have to say!
... when you have to
have a dictionary to
read poetry...

... and you are still
not understanding!
(c) soulsurvivor

Some of you guys
are DEEP.
I wish I were half
as educated!
what if i told you i love you
on a day so bright
with no shadows to mask it's glow
and will continue to do so for life

what if i told you i love you
in the middle of a storm
in your fright could i hold you tight
until i calmed you down

what if i told you i love you
in the changing of the wind
back and forth for all it's worth
to love you then again

what if i told you i love you
in all of seasons change
from days of warm to bitter cold
on the promises i've made

what if i told you i love you
because that's all i can do
when times fabric tore and you were born
i was meant to be in love with you
Today I'm going to stop
This ridiculous destructive thing
I've been doing it to myself
For five. miserable. years.
I talk so much about
How I hate to be controlled
but this is controlling me
I'm wasting my life
and this is my fresh start
I don't want to paint over
the same old canvas
I've already painted black
I've gone down this road before
and I could have been a killer
I don't want to be her anymore
The girl no one could help
and just watched her waste away before them
I'm no longer going to count the numbers
and measure and weigh
and cry and hate
it can't control me anymore
she told me she was worried about me
now I know it's too far
what do I care anyway about all this?
It won't be very easy
but I'm not going to do this to myself anymore
I'm taking this canvas and BURNING IT
I'm starting fresh
I'm done with this
I'm finished
I need to be strong enough
for her
I won't become a statistic
under the earth in a wooden box
with only a block of cement
to prove I ever existed
because pretty doesn't have a size
and for her
I'm going to stop
Five years
is long enough
When my years are
stretched thin like elastic

that is at breaking point
or just past it

I'll be glad that I keep
my best memories deep

in the grooves
of a black slab of plastic.
Good memories are made of vinyl. :0)
I fell in love with The Smiths
before anything else.
Ever since,
all affection is met with
sheer inadequacy,
and a near insufferable sadness.
She's an alphabet artist
she paints in words,

from a palette of adjectives,
nouns and verbs,

the landscape she finds
in the folds of her mind

she exhibits in volumes of verse.
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