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You were that star
I wished on every night
You were that star
In the darkest of times
You were that star
In the constellation of my mind
But stars fall
And that's what happened to *you
 Oct 2014 Marolle
Vanessa Gatley
You're in   a denial pit
You deny my love for
I confess what's  true
Yet you like it flew
By you
A text  from you
Is all I need
To make me
Less annoying
I know you
See but you
Deny being in
love too
With me....
Answer please
What else do
I have to do ?
 Oct 2014 Marolle
To the girl who stays home
from school because shes too depressed to get out.
I love you.

To the girl who stands infront of the mirror crying
unable to fight the tears
That criticizes every inch
I love you.

To the girl ,that can't keep her dinner down
Because shes lost only two pounds
I love you.

To the girl who cries on the cold tile of her bathroom floor
With a ****** razor in her hand.
I love you .

To the girl who wears long sleeve shirt in August
To hide all the scars which memory leaves
I love you.

To the girl who pops a handful of pills in her mouth
Just to feel normal. I love you.

To the girl who watches the one person she loves
Love someone else,I love you.

To the girl who has a family which reminds her she is not
good enough.
I love you.

To the girl,who gets critiscim for being just who she is,
I love you.
I love me.
 Oct 2014 Marolle
He doesn't deserve this.

As the cuts on my wrists turn to scars,
his hands itch for the nearest blade;

as I lie in my bed, my pillow dry for the first time,
his pillow absorbs his tears and reminds him of his nightmares;

as I get 6 hours of sleep,
he lies awake afraid of the silence
       6:00 am, he no longer needs an alarm clock.

As I get better
                                                                ­                                 he gets worse.

My demon ****** the life out of me and moved on to him.
I wish to rid my demon off his back;
everyday I see my demon drain
like a hostage forced to watch it's torment,
  hands bound,
      gagged mouth,
           mascara stained cheeks.

He doesn't deserve this.
I've started to get better but its hard when you feel guilty for causing someone else's suffering. i am so sorry for doing this to you.
 Oct 2014 Marolle
 Oct 2014 Marolle

Depression loves death.
Love depresses death.
But death can never depress love.
 Oct 2014 Marolle
 Oct 2014 Marolle
It was the time that I thought of you
Your laugh, your smile
Its all so cliche

And now my mind is raging
I miss you, I need you
If just for a day

Now my soul is aching
My heart is screaming, its breaking
I'm falling apart in every way
It has been 3 months..
Three long months
Since I found you in your room....

Still, still as a sleeper
I thought you were just passed out...
Still...I could not wake you
My heart just raced...

Still, I tried to shake you
I thought you would awake...
Still...your lips looked blue
Still, was your body as he laid  you on your back

Still...I had to call 911
I tried to resuscitate....
Still...I thought I could save you
But you would not wake

Still...the sound of sirens
Many people rushing in
Still...I thought they would save you
But my heart just breaks....

Still... is the sounds in your room now
Still and gone is your loving voice
Still my mind can't comprehend
That my first born no longer
walks this earth...

Still... is the night
Still... is my heart
Still... are your sisters and Dad
Still... is our life
...Without You...
I still can't believe your gone...Angela Michelle Faye Martin...
Don't forget your Mother's love and my arms wrapping you in a hug....
Love Forever....Mom
 Oct 2014 Marolle
 Oct 2014 Marolle
To keep my mind off of you
To keep me busy so my mind doesn't wander

What are you doing
Are you happy
Do you miss me
How often do you think of us and what lies untouched between us
How much better is she than me
The truth

When my mind does wander,
I catch my breath,
In the kind of hiccupping way,
As if I had been crying all day...
Invisible tears
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