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 Aug 2019 Mari
Overcoming your fears
smells like the scent
of dried tears.
 Aug 2019 Mari
 Aug 2019 Mari
Who knew
One word
Could be so heavy?
 Aug 2019 Mari
 Aug 2019 Mari
On this day, I was broken
On this day, my world stopped 
On this day, my life was reduced
On this day, pain consumed me 
and this consumption never left 

I went to bed broken-hearted 
I woke up broken-hearted 
My life was pain 
Pain was all I knew 
I wept until I could weep no more 

My spirit was locked in a dark room 
It was empty 
reason departed me 
there was nothing 
I had nothing 

My joy was stolen 
My labour unfavoured
I screamed

Suicide was a friend 
Depression my lover
Bitterness my worship 

I tried to pray
I tried to believe, 
but my mind could not. 

My spirit and flesh
but still my soul thirsted. 

It searched;
To find God. 

It knew
He is my answer 
The truth and the way 
The truth is God 
and in Him 
I rested.
You don’t realise God is all you need until God is all you’ve got.
 Aug 2019 Mari
Julia Supernault
‘i hate you’ she murmurs with tears in her eyes and her sadness in her throat as she points a threatening finger at him, the one she most certainly did not hate.
‘why?’ he questioned.
‘because.. after all this time, I can’t help but continue to love you, every single bit of you, all of you, you won’t leave me alone.’
 Jul 2019 Mari
Apporva Arya
 Jul 2019 Mari
Apporva Arya
I was Victim in life,
Throughout my life.
Hence knows the pain,
Has dealt with pain.
Don't like to hurt.
That's why always get hurt.
Growing among abusing parents,break down one's self confidence. Thats why only I know is how to defend but no counter attack. And that's why at each round of life I just barely survive.
 Jul 2019 Mari
Apporva Arya
My saga
 Jul 2019 Mari
Apporva Arya
It's a tale of time
When I like him,
Then I love him,
I need him.
He left,life left.
I hate everyone.
I resent me.
To the time,
I discover me.
The real me.
And in the end,
I love me.
You realise that you had move on ,when you listen to his name and don't feel anything anymore.
 Jul 2019 Mari
Prithvi Gude
 Jul 2019 Mari
Prithvi Gude
And she blushes away,
Every time I say,
I love you

And she looks at me,
Every time I wish,
I'm hers

And she nods away,
Denying the fact,
That she loves me

And she smiles again,
Reminding me that,

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