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 Feb 2016 M Blake
Claude McKay
Bow down my soul in worship very low
And in the holy silences be lost.
Bow down before the marble man of woe,
Bow down before the singing angel host.
What jewelled glory fills my spirit's eye,
What golden grandeur moves the depths of me!
The soaring arches lift me up on high
Taking my breath with their rare symmetry.

Bow down my soul and let the wondrous light
Of beauty bathe thee from her lofty throne,
Bow down before the wonder of man's might.
Bow down in worship, humble and alone;
Bow lowly down before the sacred sight
Of man's divinity alive in stone.
 Feb 2016 M Blake
Emma Annalise
Stand up straight, my little soldier
Stand up just a bit more bolder
Stand up ‘til you hit the sky
Stand up just a bit more high
Stand up ‘til you see the stars
Stand up ‘til there’s no more scars
Stand up ‘til your problems wane
Stand up ‘til you become sane
Stand up little soldier boy
Stand up to those other boys
Stand up ‘til they see you smile
Stand up ‘til they stop their rile
Stand up straight, my little man
Stand up, stand up while you can
Hi!! I'm new to this website, and this is my first poem. Hope you like it! Feel free to give me any feedback that you have regarding my poem. Thank you in advance!
 Feb 2016 M Blake
Janine Jacobs
i am the book my son reads
and i often wonder what he sees
empty pages filled with the mundane
or a colourful piece of art

does he see my fearlessness
and my backbone made of steel
perhaps the circles under my eyes
betrays me

will he understand that life
is filled with moments that startle you
to heed the call of the world
and every adventure that beckons

i often stare at my reflection and wonder
am i, what he would want aspire to
fervently grasp opportunities and believe
to not settle for mediocrity

each time i boubt myself
i silently promise him
every part of me will strive
to better the next chapter he reads
 Feb 2016 M Blake
 Feb 2016 M Blake
Her lover was faithful
But it was not kind.
It took all of her dreams,
And left them behind.

Now she's withering,
Like a dying flower.
The addictive white dust,  
Stealing her by the hour.

Her family disowned her ,
Her house reposessed.
But her white dusty lover,
Oh,  it loved her the best.
 Feb 2016 M Blake
Hans Dytian
 Feb 2016 M Blake
Hans Dytian
Oh look!
A tree!
It's beautiful!
The breeze blows!
Look at those leaves!
Look at the beauty of God's work!
The magnificence!
The wood!
The fruit!
The flower!
The knothole!
There's gum in the knothole?
There IS gum in the knothole!
Pennies and figurines too!
Who would do such a nice act?
The one hidden within.
He must really be misunderstood.
I wish we could meet him
So we would know the real him.
In memory of Harper Lee,  I wrote a poem inspired by her Pulitzer Prize winning novel "To **** a Mockingbird". R.I.P. Harper Lee
 Feb 2016 M Blake
The rain falling on my hair
Breathing in the freshest of air
I guess nows the time to go inside
And to come back out when the rain has dried

But rain has such a nice sound
When it falls against the ground
No such comfort can be found
No such comfort can be found
It raining outside because of El Niño
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