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Middle of nowhere,
she was drowning,
submerged in sea water,
near the shore,
feeling free and light,
making a wakeup call.

She never thought,
her end would be so soon,
Smiling at memory,
of her friends from childhood,
face after face,
playing like vedio of smiles.

She never knew,
how to miss someone,
someone that could,
bring her back to land,
land was something,
she really missed now.

slowly slipping of soul,
soul that was gift to her from god,
god! was something,
that never she believed on,
feeling of heat was now,
but it was too long.

She first time saw,
what her rude mom feels,
how sorry she was,
hating dutiful mom was rotten,
rotten were dream,
modeling was what she want.

standing beside past,
past was a minute ago,
minutes that she had,
had lashes waiting in hell,
hell was what she deserved,
right now everything she loved.

hard it was becoming to breathe,
souls don't need those,
those were moment realized,
their was ticking of clock,
then she suddenly woke.
It is there
Reach out and grab it
You have the knowledge
Along with self-confidence
Continue on
Just build yourself
Always push harder
And find your inner strength
I don't like to fight
I don't like to compete
I ramble on
I'm not very neat
I spill ****
Half pick it up
I'm drained
I don't really get what you're saying
I'm tired, you don't get it either
I'm sick of explaining
Everything's exciting at first
Then dulls out quick
Your words are *******
But you think your slick
Instead of working that dollar
Go buy a brain
You'll end up leaving
As soon as you came
Unseen memories lurking in corners,
behind closed doors.
Abuse etched into the ink free remains of my elastic encasement.

Violet streaked vixens, dancing naked.
A circus,
of disease-ridden saviors and meek starved profits.

Lips parched, cracked corners split in two.
Outwardly reaching,
Forever stagnant.

Water must be diluted for me to sip.
While I choke.
Immobilized. Incoherent. Suffocated and still.
 Mar 2017 Mahima Sharma
others see how staggering you are.
the walls you've created around yourself
to dissolve.
the deepest corners of yourself
to every ray of the light.
the demons you have harbored.
space for
something better.
someone better.
through the doors;
within in the world,
newly naked and always terrified.
you'll live better that way.
Just to tell you,
I'm still alone here in nights.
Just to tell you,
I haven't still moved on.
Just to tell you,
I'm still looking for you.
Just to tell you,
My days aren't days without you.
Just to tell you,
My blood sets on fire when I see you with her.
Just to tell you,
I can be enough for you,
but then I see you with her,
dancing in the rain of happiness.
and then I see her,
looking at you with the same look,
I used to give you.
Isn't it just so strange,
how quickly night and time changes?
What a shame it is that,
you were so close to me like a shore to a sea,
but now you are so far and trapped in our own mind,
that you don't even have time to listen to what your heart is saying.
I know.
I know it feels like your body is disintegrating,
How it aches in places you didn't even know existed;
That you want nothing more than to rid yourself of this skin that burns with loss in every fragile movement.
Your heart and mind are betraying you.
Bones incapable of carrying around this
Palpable heartbreak.
The infrastructure
Of everything you had carefully built
Shattered beneath your feet.
I know it seems like the walls are closing in,
Cornering you,
Suffocating every airway
Until you cannot see tomorrow through the darkness.

Be patient,
I promise you'll find seeds of recovery amongst the rubble -
Your stems of self worth were never rooted
in anyone's actions but your own,
Your flowers never fed by anything but love for yourself.
Your crushed spirit will break through
These confines of hopelessness
To blossom, once more.
Nurture your growth
And protect it like a diamond;
Cover it in gold.
For you will never own anything more precious than this existence.
You have all the minerals you have ever needed
right there inside of you,
Blood flowing like lava,
Fire burning through your veins since the day that you were born,
Strength emanating from your core.

I know.
I know you're struggling to find the light
But in this darkness you begin your healing.
Remember all that you are
And all that you have been through.
You are loved in ways you can't even imagine
And will grow to love, once more.

Be patient,
For you are as tenacious as the sun,
And every sun will rise again.
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