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4.6k · Sep 2015
To my benefit
I keep you near
You give words to my thoughts
You name them
You give me something to write about
Something to feel

I keep you near
For my own benefit
To pain and revolve me

I keep you near
Not for love
For my interest
Because you give me a reason
To aspire
To conquer

Oh yes
I keep you near
For the same selfish reasons as you
To satisfy my ego
To build myself up
I keep you here
Till you grow out of me
Till I'm too big you won't fit

I keep you near
I keep you near indeed
He's my typing machine
3.8k · Apr 2015
Go ahead and lie to me
Try to make you feel mine  
I won't tap my back
I won't want to cry
I might simply look at you
And watch you lie
C'mon lie to me
I want you to make me fly
Go ahead and lift me up at least for the night
Yes, a lie. But a momentaneous reality.
1.8k · Jan 2015
Shattered night,
Scattered light
Caught in the deep abyss
So infinite and profound
The tenderness of your lips
My heart it rips
And slips
Through my veins it goes
Straight to my brain it flows
Consuming my delicate soul
It starts to take its toll
It's high the fee, but I won't cease
Here it is, so hard to please
My helpless desire to appease
The endless love I have for thee
Forever you will be
the only worth that's in me

Once again we surface
From the profoundness of the abyss
& implore how beautifully the sun shines
Sending its immense lighting
Upon those who once were dead
But are now arising!
Love may or may not be the context hidden behind this profound poem. Green or red light. It's however you choose to see it!
664 · Apr 2017
Laying down
As I layed there
Next to you
I left myself
And observed our naked bodies
Gasping for air
For freedom
Touching the obscured silence
Wanting to hold on to such perfect moment
Forgetting, fulfilling
Trying to catch your words
That Fled free
Trying to be people we were not
Just reaching out
For something fonder
Much meaningful
Tasting every molecule of our bodies
We looked at each other
Searching for answers
To questions we hadn't even asked
-it means nothing more
436 · Sep 2015
Broken Poems
I don't want to be this pathetic artist
And I don't want life to pass me by,
Leaving a bunch of broken poems
Behind. I don't want people to remember
Me as the sad writer, who poured tears
On her notes and cried her heart out.
You left me, that's it.
You just came and devastated my world,
So what?
I don't want this pain to define who I am
And I don't want this feelings you provoke
To become my footprints.
You're not here anymore; I've got nothing
More, but to move on . . .
I'm not a sad writer

— The End —