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310 · Jul 2020
Find The Happiness
Imran Islam Jul 2020
Look up to the blue sky
with some tears for me,
and find the happiness
O Mom, look up for me!

Mama, if you feel hurt
Forget all the pride
Forgive me as your son
for breaking your heart!

It's the truth of my youth
to stay on the right path
I will overcome the fear
with confidence, O Mom!

May all your prayers
be granted by the Lord
Wipe away all of your tears
Just smile, smile for me, Mom!
308 · Jun 2017
I'm Asking You
Imran Islam Jun 2017
I'm asking you, sweetheart
though we are so apart,
I had been waiting for you
and I'm still thinking of you
but you don't feel my hurt!

I wanted to see you yesterday
even you have no time today
for me. You're still busy.
I understand love isn't easy
However, I love you, sweet.

If you would come back ever
then I will love you forever.
I never mind, enjoy your life
No need to fix my broken life
I'm dying today, but you're so late!
306 · Nov 2017
The Greatest Promise
Imran Islam Nov 2017
I loved you and seriously still do
I'll always love you, my darling
Because I still believe
Love is the greatest promise
in this wonderful world
Yeah, I say this about true love
Do you promise to love me?

What's wrong with me?
Nowadays, you hate me
You don't cheer me up
Stop playing with me!

Tell me, do you feel something?
or nothing anymore
Is something happening?
or nothing at the shore

I don't know what to do
but I must say this to you
Don't do love anymore,
it just hurts more when love ends!

I probably said too much,
because I still retouch
your heart and feelings
but you don't have the answers.
305 · Jun 2017
You Are Not Scary
Imran Islam Jun 2017
Your face is happy
and smile is glad
You're not scary
and never ever sad.
Sweetie, you're beautiful.

Your eyes are like the stars
and the hair is so lank
Your voice is so sweet
like a jaybird, I think.
Darling, you're cheerful.

You are the beauty queen
even though a little bit shy.
You're like the full moon
in the midnight sky
Sweetheart, you're wonderful!
303 · Jul 2017
You Got Possible
Imran Islam Jul 2017
I never thought about what love is
really how to treat with a lover
I believed it was impossible
but you made me with love.
I guess, who the true lover is
and just you got possible.

You're my first love in life
Sweetie, I'll never forget this
you're the most amazing person in my life
I love every part of you, that's all.
I guess, who the true lover is
and just you got possible.
303 · May 2020
Tears To God
Imran Islam May 2020
Let Your name be safe
in my heart always
Let my eyes run down
with tears for You my God!

I'll always remember you
in my youth
I'll always bow down
to you on earth
Lord, let me hold the truth.

My sins will make an ocean
if I get them together,
Please be kind oh Creator
and forgive me forever!
Let me read Your Book
every morning, my Lord!

I want to be a good person
with full faith in You,
Let me stay on the right path
with peace and love, O My God!
302 · Apr 2021
Youth Are The Volcano
Imran Islam Apr 2021
Oh, youth, you're the moon of the dark night
In the springtime, you're the morning light
You're the volcano; show your power off
Win the highest peak of the world as the knight!

You should solve the problems of the nation
The victims are waiting for your proper action
You have to change everything old for the future
On the youth, you can lead the whole of nature!

You have to reform again, what's done as the ****
Get up; you're the lion; you can't sleep at this time!
It's the right time to face devils to save your clime
Your voice is the inspiration for the newcomer.

Stand up there with your glory in this world
Even if you are gone, everyone will cry!
298 · Jul 2017
I Miss You, Sweetie
Imran Islam Jul 2017
You make me smile
when I get hurt
You make me happy
when I feel upset!

You make me alive
when I feel fey
You make me funny
if I fall on a sad day!

Your mind is so cool
it treats me nicely,
though I am dull.
Sweetie, I miss you lately!
294 · Jul 2017
You're Endless
Imran Islam Jul 2017
I couldn't love anyone
nobody came to my heart,
but you changed this
You are my Sweetheart.

You're funny and endless
Your smile melts my mind
and takes away my sadness
You are so kind.

You are so sweet like a teen
and more beautiful than a rose
I like your cute nose
more than I have ever seen.

Your look gives me shine
and voice makes me weak,
I'm still waiting to break
out from the darkness with you.
289 · Apr 2021
Often It Happens
Imran Islam Apr 2021
No one will see your pain
No one will look at your broken heart
Everyone finds your stain
Even to insult you, everyone is alert.

People don't honor your dignity
They respect your money like a boss
If you have no power in the society
Then everyone will use you like a toss.

Your family won't judge your wisdom
if you are responsible for everything
When you race your hope and dream
Others wouldn't keep patient with you.

Some of your friends will run away
when you are in such a tough time
You will get them back someday,
when you are having a good time.

Take it easy, often it happens in life
Find yourself in a place where you are perfect
and focus on your dreams without any strife
One day you'll get success because you are right!
287 · Mar 2021
The Spring
Imran Islam Mar 2021
The spring has come
The cuckoos are singing sweetly.
The smell of flowers is blowing in the air
The leaves are getting greener with new lives,
and nature is happy for the spring wind today.

Springtime has come
into the world to paint it green
and to make nature beautiful.
The forests are dancing with the swings.
The cheer of the spring is touching the cold bodies.

Nature is getting ready for the coming days.
The nights are excited by the scent of jasmine
and the loving hearts are mad at this.
Who wanna be strangers to the spring!

Nature is fresh today by the song and smell
Oh young, take this nature of spring as your fuel!
285 · Jan 2021
Touch My Broken Heart
Imran Islam Jan 2021
How much it feels better to be alone!
Passing a lonely life is very hard!
Make me colorful again
with your happiness and love.
Darling, please!
Touch my broken heart
with your angel eyes.

Sweetheart, come back to me
and be here right next to me!
Wipe my tears with your smile
and love me moreover
Darling, please!
Feel my broken heart
with your lovely eyes.

All of your memories
smile at me with the rising sun.
I am a silent poet
who just thinks about you!
Darling, please!
Fill my empty heart
with your heavenly eyes.

Sweetie, forget your pride
and be my bride,
If you go far away
then I feel you more all around me.
Darling, please!
Look at my burning heart,
there you'll find passion in your eyes!
282 · Apr 2021
Young Are Lodestars
Imran Islam Apr 2021
We're young; we're the champions
We are the spirit to our nation.
We'll bring the fresh morning
Let's go, let's go ahead, young!

We'll hit on the closed door
and grab the enemies,
We won't lose to fear
We'd celebrate the victories!

Our confidence is beyond the skies
to win everything!

We'll blow the smell of flowers
to move everyone's confutation away.
We are the strong sail in the stormy voyage
We are manic to win; we are young!

We'll control the whole world
to overcome everything!

We won't support any crime
We'll stay with our clime
If we are martyred for the nation
then we'll get good news from Heaven.

We'll bring the shiny sun on earth
because we are active young!

We'll stand against oppressive rulers
and we'll voice for the oppressed
We'll live like the warriors
and we'll welcome death in smiles!

We'll make everyone's dreams true
with our youthfulness!

We're trying to build a wall on Mars
and waiting for the moment
The world is looking for us
and we live in everyone's heart!

We will be patient in hurt
to face the opponents!

We are so charming to lovers
and surrounded by soft love,
We are the Lodestars
in the dark night sky.

We're young; we'll do everything
with love and passion.
My Books
277 · May 2021
Happy Birthday Barbara
Imran Islam May 2021
Happy birthday to you,
Barbara, happy birthday!
Let your pretty face smile
every night and every day!

You're a heavenly restless soul
who lives in everyone's heart!
You are the wings of an angel
who brings peace with voice art!

Who can stop loving you?
Who would leave you alone?
No one can hurt you;
You are a message of heaven!

Stay safe and fight to live long
This community needs you!
God won't call you before long
'Cause every soul loves you!
Happy Birthday to you, my friend Barbara
273 · Jul 2023
Tired Of Loneliness
Imran Islam Jul 2023
I miss you, I miss my happiness
I miss my life when I was boundless
I miss you, I miss my youthfulness
I miss my past when everything was endless

I am tired, tired of my illnesses
I am tired, tired of this loneliness
My eyes are dry, void of tears;
I am alone, everyone is heartless

I long for the days when I felt beautiful
I long for my dream that was delightful
I miss the smile that brought joy to others;
You all are happy I feel helpless

I miss my kids, I miss my parents
I miss the days when I would meet friends
I am a lonely soul like the prisoners;
Everyone is grown up I am hopeless

I miss you, I miss your memories
I miss you, I miss our love stories
I feel so down, I needed your arms;
Nothing is left to me, I am loveless
Inspired by Kim
273 · Feb 2022
I Want To Be Sinless
Imran Islam Feb 2022
I can't stop my tear
I can't overcome my fear
I'm burning in a flare
It wasn't my desire!

I can't think of my past
I can't help anymore
I can't deal with my abuse
but at the suicidal door!

What's wrong with me
How I became your options
You sip me like a bee
and play with my emotions!

Why society is the issue
Why my family is selfish
How could you blame me
when you made me ******!

You threw me into the darkness
and took my breath away
Now I want to be stainless
Now I want to be sinless
Please, give me a new day!
269 · Mar 2022
My Soul Will Fly With
Imran Islam Mar 2022
Dying is easier than the hurt of your silence
Blaming is more painful than the clearance
I can't deal anymore with my broken heart
You have done your job, let me do my part!

I promise you, I won't bother you anymore
If I am so hurt, I won't knock on your door
I want you not to be harassed by the broker
Listen to me, I'm so pleased with your favor.

Touch me once and feel how I'm burning up
When you're gone how will I pick your gifts up
Please, forgive me if you don't see me around
My soul will fly with what I have already found!
269 · Apr 2021
Walking By Side With Me
Imran Islam Apr 2021
You walk by side with me
but don't talk to me anymore
Even you sit in front of me
but don't look at me anymore.
I don't know why
you have changed your mind?

Do you remember
One day I was your hero
Do you remember
One day I was your lover

How long we walked together
in the rainy days
How much we loved each other
No one can guess.
I don't know why
you have forgotten everything?

Darling, did you forget
You enjoyed my company
Sweetie, did you forget
You colored my destiny

You made me this promise
You'll never leave me alone,
but you are done with me
and you've gone before long!
I don't know why
you have found someone new?
266 · Jul 2017
Life Is A Page
Imran Islam Jul 2017
Life is a page
It's an asking letter
There's nothing wrong with age
It's just a number.

The mind is variable
It's different colors
The dream is notable
It’s various callers.

Love is so blind
It’s a great danger
Emotion is kind
It’s no quick eraser.

Pleasure is selfish
It’s no single partner
Getting upset is foolish
It’s a pretty life-disaster.

Health is slothful
It’s no proper sensor
Illness is thoughtful
It’s very endeavor.

Life is a candle
Love is its fuel
But how do you handle
When lovers are cruel?

Truly, life is a page
Age is just a number
If someone can manage
Then it will be better…
262 · Aug 2021
Drawn Eyes Of Love
Imran Islam Aug 2021
I didn't hold your hand
to leave you alone
I would have a piece of land
nearby your home,
and I'll see you every day.

I didn't draw your eyes
to erase them from my heart
I would color your dreams
like you want,
and I'll make you happy anyway.

Your smile shines on my face
I am impressed,
How do you always smile?
You are blessed
and I found you on the Milky Way.

I'm hurt, but I don't feel any sore
Just let me gaze upon you
a little bit more
You know how much I love you!
And I'd melt in you this way.
262 · Mar 2021
My Tears Make You Happy
Imran Islam Mar 2021
Do you find happiness
in my tear?
Like the full moon does
in the seawater.

I find your sweet smell
in the air,
like the honeybee does
in the flower.

Why do you hate me
when I love you
Why do you blame me
when I talk to you

I follow you as the night does
the daytime
I miss you like a refugee does
his lovely clime!

I don't wish you to wipe
my tears away
I just want you not to go
so far away!

I will never ask you
to love me again,
but let me dream of you
to forget my pain!
262 · Oct 2017
The Sun With Dreams
Imran Islam Oct 2017
I'm the Sun
I waked up in the dawn to the earth
You wake up soon and leave the garth
Enjoy the morning
Get ready for the work
Everything is changing
Why are you in the dark?

I'm the Sun
Have a look, my friends
The world is smiling
With my shine
Everyone raised their head
Everything is fine
So you should be dazzled.

I'm the Sun
The dark night is gone away
In my light every single day
Have the morning with birdsong
Why is your mind wrong?
I would tell you, keep it down
and enjoy this beautiful dawn.

I'm burning,
Let me warm the heart of everyone
Be warmth together, not alone
Make new dreams this morning
and learn, how you should be caring
Oh royal and dusty Young,
Take this shine and be strong.

Dear Young,
You wouldn't become a success
Without high dreams
Dreams are a part of life
Let your dreams be beautiful
and don't ever be without beauty.
259 · Jul 2017
I'm Learning
Imran Islam Jul 2017
I am learning
with your smile
how to be kind
I am following
your footsteps
do not mind!

I am seeing
with your eyes
how to be lovely?
I am rewriting
with your voice
how to talk nicely?

I am melting
with your beauty
and burning
I am walking
on your path
to learn something!
258 · Apr 2021
Let Me Go Home
Imran Islam Apr 2021
I would better go home
where lives my mom,
I miss my green village
there I find my early age.
Let me go home betimes
I'm dying for my mom!

Oh, fresh morning breeze,
Make my friends happy
I will join them soon
at the river bank bridge.
Oh, busy city streets,
Lemme walk to the way of home!

I'm thirsty of freshwater;
I'm looking for the river
where I swam earlier
with boundless pleasure.
I want to be lost in the grove
where wild birds have freedom.

Oh, my heavenly village
I wish your morning flower
I'd talk in my local language
like the villagers do forever.
Let me walk on dewy grass
by the growing farm.

Let me go back home
My dreams live there
Let me meet my mom
who gave me nature.
Let me go there early
where I am from!
253 · Nov 2017
You're My Shine
Imran Islam Nov 2017
I love you, dear
I gave you my heart
So I have nothing to fear
but do you feel
the pain of my broken heart?

Do you like me
or not
Do you love me
or not
You're the shine of my life
but do you feel
the pain of my broken heart?

I am here
and I wish
you will be too
Your smile
makes me smile
Your voice makes me cold
but do you feel
the pain of my broken heart?
253 · May 2020
Raining In The Evening
Imran Islam May 2020
The green leaves are playing with rain
and I'm feeling lonely this evening.
I remember it was raining
Last year we were here together
I still miss that day more than anything!

When the raindrops touch your beauty
and make you feel pleasure
Yet I just keep watching where
with my thirsty eyes
and I deeply enjoy your wet black hair!

I have stopped writing to enjoy your dance
in the rain and just have dreamed that,
Don't be shy onto me just dance
and don't hide your rainy face
Maybe I'm a new bird in your rainforest!

You know I'm a stranger
My country is far away from you
But I'm impressed with your lank wet hair!
When the evening has become darker
and the rain has stopped, I'm feeling lonely again!
252 · Jan 2021
Mom, I Promise You
Imran Islam Jan 2021
Mom, I can feel your pain
but I could not stop your tears;
They were falling down
like the monsoon rain!

Mom, I am so sorry!
I couldn't stay with you longer,
even I couldn't make you smile
I will be back to you again!

Every time you smile at me
and let me come to my work,
but this time your broken heart
wishes for 'Good Luck'!

I felt I shouldn't leave you alone,
but I could not, now we're apart!
I know you are hurt,
but you wouldn't let me know that
over the phone!

Mom, I promise you-
I will pay for your weeps
I will make you happy soon
and bring the silver moon
for you to make you smile again!
252 · Feb 2021
Keep Me Tied To You
Imran Islam Feb 2021
I can't take that burden
Why do you put it to me?
I can't sustain that wound
Why do you give it to me?

A dream that's not true,
a dream that rises fear
Why does that nightmare
breaks my sleep out?
The sky that's full of darkness
and it doesn't give me shine;
Why should I look at that sky?

The game that misguides me forever
and all my goodness are lost there
I don't wanna be addicted to that game!
Who don't want my happiness,
even in danger, who don't care about me
Let them be my loved ones always.

I ask nothing to you, just wipe out my sins
with your infinite mercy.
Take my thirst away
and guide me to the right path
My Lord, keep me tied to your bond, please!
My latest book "Love Falls With Tears" is live on amazon.
249 · Jul 2020
Poets Are Cool Spy
Imran Islam Jul 2020
The clime without poets is like the soulless desert
Poets drew their dreams in the words of the mind
The morning without poets is like a sunless night.

Without dreams, we have nothing to get high
Poets play with dreams and they are the cool spy.
Poets bring the sunshine where has no daylight!

Those who are self-sacrificing poets
They are the golden sun in the world.
In the cloudy sky, I'll find that sunlight.

You write so many untold stories
You have so much love in your heart
You're warm-blooded and you're soft.

Sometimes you are calm and reposed
You're smell of flowers and the singing bird
You're the shadow of an evergreen forest!

Who'd do questions without a poet, who'll answer them?
Who'll think of nature and who'll love it like you.
The world in the evening, let the morning come.
It'll be a disaster anyway, even then here you come again!
239 · Sep 2023
I Can't Sing Any More
Imran Islam Sep 2023
I want to know, how are you doing?
Do you know, how I have been?
I haven't heard from you for so long
I can't sing any more love songs!

Without you, baby, I am so alone!
I can't believe you are gone...

Do you smile there in heaven?
I miss you twenty-four seven
Do you fly with the angel wings?
I still cry with your wedding ring!

Baby, I can't cross my lonely door,
Without you, I can't walk anymore!

In my blind eyes, you were light
In my chest, you were the heart.
How can I enjoy the morning ray
With your memories, I die every day!

I can't look at your image on
Without you, baby, I am done!
239 · Mar 2021
The Tone Of Your Fears
Imran Islam Mar 2021
My stone of pain and the sea of sin
Take them away!
Happily in my rhythm,
let your great tune on!

The darkness and the sorrow of mine
Move them away!
In my heart and tears,
let your fears retain!

All my lies and my abuses
Throw them away, please!
In my words and promises,
let your faith walk in!

The pain of my broken heart and dreams
Keep them away, God, take them away!
Every day in my good work,
let your holy name say again!
238 · Apr 2021
The Full Moon Night
Imran Islam Apr 2021
I enjoy the full moon night beneath the sky
The moon departs the darkness and keep the world sober
Moonshine kisses the trees, huts, and the river,
Whereas the night nature slowly becomes shy.

I deeply think about this long lunar night
As it makes my eyes cool and gives me pleasure
Once, if you enjoy this beautiful sight
You can't close your mind of desire.

He's the great painter,
Who draws this love of the night and the moon.
After enjoying this chemistry,
I believe in the Lord, who makes them beautiful!

This full moon night is the sign of God
And I apologize to Him after realizing his glory!
234 · Apr 2021
One Day In The Mirror
Imran Islam Apr 2021
One day you'll look in the mirror
and see your beautiful face there,
then you'll miss the compliments
about you, that I did before.

Someday you'll look in the mirror
and see your ocean eyes there,
then you'll miss the waves of love
that I drew before at your shore.

One day you'll look in the mirror
and touch your soft cheeks for sure,
there you'll feel the paint of my hand
that I colored before as a dreamer.

Sometime you'll look in the mirror
and feel your sugar lips with a finger,
then you'll find a heavenly taste
that I enjoyed before, but not anymore.

One day you'll miss my love in tears
and maybe you'll look for my answers,
but you are happier now than before,
therefore, my soul gonna be quiet forever!
231 · Jul 2020
A Honey Bee
Imran Islam Jul 2020
I am just me,
not like others
If you don't think
about love
Then we can be
just friends.

When you'll know
me as well
Like the dove knows
the grove
Then that, will you
ring a bell?

Don't smile and gaze
at me, please
Then I will fall in love
with you
Just stop playing
with me like this!

Your moony face
keep sipping me
It feels like my dream
will come true
When you will feel
you need a honey bee.

Then I want to be
your honey bee,
Just think of me
and see
I can be and I will be
your honey bee!
Just see
222 · Mar 2021
My Fear Is Gone
Imran Islam Mar 2021
You have smiled at me
So I do not need the moonshine.
You have talked to me
So I wouldn't walk by the ocean.

You have felt my heart
So I have no more pain.
You've got my thought
Then I can paint it again.

You have reached my hand
Now my fear is gone.
You have made me blind
That’s why I can't move alone.

You are a heavenly fairy
Even you have no stain.
My thirsty soul is so fiery
Ah, I wish for a summer rain!
My books
214 · Nov 2021
I Am Broken
Imran Islam Nov 2021
I'm broken, darling, I'm broken
I'm frozen, darling, I'm frozen
I would quit my life often
when I think you are taken!

Who wish to help me out
I am going down
in the dark zone of the ocean!
Baby, it's an ocean of separation!

How could you slice my heart
when I trusted you
How did you make my eyes cry
when I loved you!

Who'd have a glance at me
when I've lost my crown
in the deep of impression on you!
Baby, it's a pain of impression!

I won't wait for you
when you're done with me
when you're done!
I wouldn't blame you
though you're gone
Darling, you're gone!

I wish no one would hurt me again
No one will play with my emotions!
You are taken already; you're taken
I am broken, darling, I am broken!
212 · Jan 2021
The Moon Is Kissing You
Imran Islam Jan 2021
The moon is kissing you
though I am in the dark
The rain is asking of you
when I am in the desert!

Your dreams are coming true
and I'm struggling with bad luck!
The morning is hugging you,
but my night isn't over yet!

The ocean is surfing at you,
but I'm scared of the shark.
The wind is shoving you;
No one even knows we're apart!

I can do everything for you,
but I can't change my track.
Someone else is driving you;
That's breaking my heart!
My new book "Love Falls With Tears" is live on amazon.
212 · May 2020
How Happy You Are
Imran Islam May 2020
I see the happiness on your smiley face
and the river flows through my eyes
I'm so helpless and so hopeless!
and this heart weeps for missing my kins.

The world's heartless and I lost my family
Yet I have become stone hearted
How helpless I am, oh indeed!
I'm unhappy, but acting like I'm happy
I'm the darkness and your eyes are full of light!

You have a happy smile but I'm so sad,
Sometimes dream makes me scared,
Yeah, I'm so hopeless in this cruel world
How happy you are but I'm dying inside!

The morning comes to your eyes, but I'm still in shock
Many birds sing in your forest and flowers smell good
But I'm still so helpless and so thirsty for goodness.
Be with you the light of peace forever
and I have devoted my Creator.
209 · Nov 2020
I Still Love You
Imran Islam Nov 2020
I found the sunlight
in you after the darkest nights
and see the moonlight
on your face after nightmares.

When you smile at me
my heart melts with love
When you dance at the sea
I can't hide my staring eyes.

The night-blooming jasmines
steal your smell darkly,
Maybe, you are in love
with the morning honey bees.

The clouds make the rain
in your secret streams,
The night sky brings the stars
for your sweet dreams.

My tears make me feel better
when they fall for you!
You know, it does matter
because I still love you!
204 · Feb 2023
No Longer Together
Imran Islam Feb 2023
How could you leave me alone
We had been together for years
How could you hurt me, baby
When my eyes are full of tears

We were a beautiful pair
No, no, it's not fair
I can't believe
We're no longer together

How did you forget me
Could you let me know
How happy you are now
I want to know

I can't see you around me
but always feel you inside
Each path reminds me of you
How long we walked side by side

Do you look the same
in the heavenly showers
Have you kept your name
as the divine flowers
203 · Aug 2023
Melting My Heart
Imran Islam Aug 2023
Melting my heart
as you speak in smiles
I sense your mind
as I gaze into your eyes

Cooling my sight
as you dance in the rain
I find the moon within you,
without a stain

Flying my soul with yours
as you are divine
I feel the peace in your heart
as if it's mine

Flowing the spring's wind
with your scent
I always catch them
through your deep love

Falling the monsoon rain,
it now falls for you
You melt me within,
because I love you!
Inspired by the words "Melting My Heart"
200 · Aug 2023
I Drew You Once Again
Imran Islam Aug 2023
The sky is filled with clouds,
a soft drizzle graces the outside.
I await your return,
Should you walk back to my side,
in this gentle rain.

I miss you,
I miss your damp scent.
I want you,
I want you once more,
in this light rain.

Do you still relish the raindrops
as you did before?
Do you still dance barefoot
in the monsoon rain?

I couldn't forget those rainy days
when I found your love,
I still remember your rain-kissed face,
how shy you were...
Today, I drew you once again!
192 · Oct 2020
I Won't Follow You
Imran Islam Oct 2020
I love you silent
and always will do,
You no need to
love me back.
You are my boss, just
lemme be your clerk.

You are the morning
and I wanna be a bird,
You are a love sentence
I'm just a single word.
You're the moon bright
and I am the dark!

You are the pleasure
I am just like a tear
You really could feel
it wouldn't be fair!
Your daylight is my mine
and your dusk is my dusk!

I want you to be happy
I wanna see you smile,
Just smile always!
I'm not hurt; I'm alright,
I won't follow you again
during walking in the park!
190 · Oct 2020
A Dark Night
Imran Islam Oct 2020
My life is a dark night
I'm looking for a light,
I know, I have to fight
for truth and right!

Oh, no one is with me
I am the waterless sea,
I've dreamed of a bee,
but I couldn't be!

My sunshine has gone
I'm glad, you've done
so much for me alone
Someday we'll be one!

The sun makes a day
with the morning ray,
My waving life's bay
is drying day by day!
185 · Mar 2021
A Full Rise Of Freedom
Imran Islam Mar 2021
Freedom, freedom,
where is my success?
You forgot the past and became a selfish
Is that ****** victory for this?

You know as well,
why freedom fighters took the weapons
and sacrificed their lives
in the war of independence
for a great victory!
Where did you lose that passion and love?

Those warriors who left their homes
and slept in the deep forests
This dream was in their minds -
'Homeland, you'll be on a high peak with respect'!

I have forgotten the green dream of the martyrs
and I'm going to be a slave to someone else!
Have I realized that-
The risk of defense has increased day by day!

Why am I subservient even after independence?
Why is there so much inhuman torture on me!
Why is my life insecure and helpless!
When will there be a full rise of freedom?
182 · Jul 2020
I'm In You
Imran Islam Jul 2020
Baby, don't worry,
I love you more
than my soul
You're my dream
and only goal.

I feel so sorry,
I'm not there with you
right now
But I always find myself
in you.
Soon I will get back
to you.

I love you, I miss you
Baby, don't worry!
I feel you, I want you
Honey, don't worry!

Sweetie, I will come soon.
Your memories
still make me smile
I remember
you were climbing a stile
to walk with me
in the afternoon.

One day all the dreams
will come true
'Cause everyone knows
our love is true.
There is no need to worry!
175 · Aug 2020
Long Live Bangladesh
Imran Islam Aug 2020
Long live Bangladesh
Long live!
Your nature is ever fresh
I believe...

O my country, I love you
Give me love,
Make me true,
O my clime, I do love you!

You're my motherland
You're my only soul
You're my only goal
O you're my right hand.

I learned with your love
You're lovely, you're a sweetie
I dreamed with your beauty
All I got, what you have.

O my land, I never scorn you
You're evergreen
You're my heaven
I always, always dream of you!
170 · Aug 2020
Will It Rain Today
Imran Islam Aug 2020
Let the rain fall down today
My mind is asking for it
I won't do anything today
Drip the raindrops, drip it!

I will be walking alone in the wet grove
But if I see someone there in the rain
Then I'll stop walking on the narrow path
and I'll take a look at her,
If she blushes at me then I'll smile too!

I will sing the song along with
the wet leaves of the green forest.
The smile blooms on my face
when those leaves will be shy
And I'll enjoy them in the raindrops!

Today has no bindings
to walk in this rainforest
Here I don't want any company
These long trees will be my friends.
Today I am the king of this green forest!
169 · Aug 2020
I Found My Inspiration
Imran Islam Aug 2020
I found so much inspiration
on your happy smiling face
with lovely eyes
I reached the high on the sky
Without any difficult race
For your affections!

I felt my heart in your words
like nature gets in the morning
With the chirping birds
I got a new light of dreams
In your work my sweet darling
As like the moonbeams

You're so kind, so kind to me
That's why I want to be
a poet like you.
You have a great heart
With a decent soul
Darling, I love you!
Thank you
168 · Oct 2020
I Want My Love Back
Imran Islam Oct 2020
I want my love back,
I would still walk
with my love
in this park
and by the lake.

I want my love back,
I would still swim
in the water
like a duck
in the dusk.

I want my love back,
I would still wake
me up with love
for a morning walk
on the sidewalk.

I want my love back,
I would still talk
to my love
without any balk
and keep it dark!
My books are live on kindle
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