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Brown eyes
so sad

Snowy skies
that reflect

Too cold
too numb
to tell
And if I could ever write a poem that would embody
Your love
i swear
I would


Whenever I'd try to write You down
And immortalize You through words
I end up with a blank page staring at me
Because my words do not give justice
To the beauty of You and Your creation
tonight i can't write poetry,
a star is just a star.
I love you
             The way
       the sun
          the moon

Never together

       At a distance

              Always and
has  hard winter come at last,

does one rhyme this, write icy

blast, or simply carry on

the usual way, he said it is progressive,

it is just the way we think.

early, clearing  ashes, prepare

a fire with three pages, sticks and odd

ends of packaging. the better coal

with one small log does the trick.

the fire in the other room stays in

all night no problem, with a guard.

the fire officer came yesterday

to protect us in our beds.

today we wrap the winter


some say spring has come.

I laid asleep in the deepest dream
Till the alarm shattered my mind
How quickly came the mornings sounds
Get Up! Is it really time?

I look and see I'm started late
The clock it must be broke
How can it be. Did I set it wrong?
Is someone playing a joke

I quickly arise to meet the day
Prepared for a shower that's hot
Then I recieve a shocking surprise
As I find the hot water is not

I begin to dress in double time manner
It was time to be headed out
Then I turned around and took a step
And my cat shrieked out a shout!!

My heart now racing along with me
I find myself in the kitchen
At first it was eggs and bacon
But due to time now I'm switchin

I'll now have toast from the toaster
I'll make it a double stack
Up it pops in its alloted time
Crispy and burnt and black

Forget the toast I have no time
But caffeine is a must
I find no sugar no creamer no spoon
Looks like coffee is also a bust

Out the door at last I go
Coffee! Man I NEEDED that!
Then low and behold I look to see
Out of the four one is flat

Can you believe because I cannot
I call the boss ,"Sorry I'm sick"
And I go back to sleep.

A true Valentine's more
Than a rhyme
That ends
In chocolate couplets,
Or written in flowery prose.
A real Valentine
Smells sweeter
Than your dozen roses.
My Valentine
Gives me her time,
And that's
How she shows it.
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