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 Jun 2018 luci
Nishu Mathur
 Jun 2018 luci
Nishu Mathur
The sea is still today
It's cerulean blue and gold
I think of the thoughts it carries
Within its hidden folds.
Its touch is soft and gentle
It soothes the ache of years
But I wonder how many waves
Are made from fallen tears.
Dear everyone,

This is such a surprise! Thank you all for your likes, loves and responses. I have not been very active on Hello Poetry, but will get back in action soon. So much appreciated. Thank you Hello Poetry for selecting this as a daily. Thank you so much my friends and fellow poets for taking the time to read this poem of mine. It means the world to me.  Love to everyone **
 Jun 2018 luci
a mcvicar
she sits next to me
she seems fine but i doubt it
on the Underground
 Jun 2018 luci
My thoughts are spinning
A whirlwind of blurry memories
From the night before
You are toying with my mind
Making me go insanely mad
Your hands passionatly caressing my body
Was a feeling like no other
Does he actually want me for once?!?
Your lips against mine
Lit a fire inside of me
I couldn’t believe
I was finally good enough for you  
I never wanted those feelings to subside
But of course
When I woke up
You were gone
I was just a drunk hook up
to you
I was naïve for thinking I would ever be anything more  
And now here I am
Alone once again
Wondering why I will never be enough
For you
 Jun 2018 luci
levi eden r
i can breathe.
i can confidently say that with you,
i can be happy.
i'm happy.
you've been the best thing that's ever happened to me
and i know it seems like a big promise but
i promise to never leave your side.
i will be here,
supporting you
and loving you with everything i have in me
for your smile and existence gives me the strength to live.
i'm here for you,
i'm here because of you.
i'll forever be in debt to you and i'll make you proud.
happy birthday,
you've grown so much.
you're not afraid to love anymore.
happy birthday,
You are heaven sent.
you smell of honey and flowers.
your heart is as pure as snow.
there are galaxies in your eyes
and every time you speak it's like i'm seeing color again.
happy birthday,
because of you
i love,
i live.
i love you more than you will ever know. you are my everything,,
 Jun 2018 luci
Lawrence Hall
Drunk girl crying in the parking lot
          Always begins her ‘plaints with “I”
Dull boy whining on an email screen
          Always begins his notes with “I”
Mean girl screaming in the shopping mall
          Always begins her rage with “I”
Sad boy ******* on a cigarette
          Always begins his verse with “I”
‘Lone girl staring at a tv set
          Always begins her sigh with “I”

And why?

Because they overdose on I, ME, MY
 Jun 2018 luci
the most difficult fact
of it all
is that
even though
they treat you so poorly
you still want them.
 Jun 2018 luci
Miss Ana
does the inside of your head
ever feel like a radio
thats constantly changing
with lots of
and all the stations are
bad thoughts
that are strung together in
a sort of continuous narrative
of constantly escalating
compounding dread?
intrusive thoughts
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