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Her eyes tell a story that
her tongue simply cannot.*
Her beauty is untouched,
*but her insides have begun to rot.
(c) 2016 Ryan Kane
I was all that she was once upon a time.
I was a bee who owned her beehive
I had a  home
and it was you.

head and heart, pool of emotions
I want company, no I don't want anybody
I just want to laugh, but then I just want to cry
these contradictory thoughts, bothers me sometimes
I am never able to decide, even if i rack my mind
who am I?
Is my inability to express shows that
I am an empty body with no soul.
Who I am
Is who I'm
Going to be
Because it is all
Up to me

Your eyes are
Open, you see
You love the soul
You let free

You will find
That the soul
You love so
Won't let go
You will see
You make me
 Sep 2016 Lourdes Luna
 Sep 2016 Lourdes Luna
As I stare at your bare flesh,
enticed by your fragrance.
Graving your ripe juices,
to cleanse my palate;
drenching my restless tongue,
with your sweet taste.
Leaving me to savor
your succulent nectar
your lustful fruit;
my heavenly savior.
What was it about your voice that had made me fall for you?
Maybe, it was the way you spoke, your bittersweet voice so soft almost unable to be heard.
Or maybe, it was your words, so mournful and full of regret that I knew at once that they must have been uttered from a broken heart.
Maybe, it was the sound of you voice, how your tone had always spoken of heartbreak and misery.
Or maybe, it was how when you spoke all I could do was to listen in spellbounding silence.
What was it about your voice that had made me fall for you?
Love- It makes us write such beautiful and terrible things.
You had made everything forbidden for me.
The way I couldn’t witness anybody smiling without recalling your ghostly smile.
The way I couldn’t touch anybody without remembering your soft caresses.
The way I couldn’t love anybody without thinking back to when I had believed that I had loved one who had deserved such a love as mine. How, you had been so silent, as though you had never yet to love or be loved.
You had made everything so forbidden for me.
To Z.K., with all the sadness of my oppressed heart.
I will always love you and your forbidden love.

— The End —