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 Jul 2014 lostsoul
Danielle Shorr
What I would give
To wake up next to you
Bodies tangled vines
Legs wrapping around backbone
Skin stained from the previous night's hunger
From eager lips
What I would give
To have you run fingers down my xylophone ribs
Every morning
Play me into routine
Sing each note that leaves my lips
Each breathless hello
Each half whispered stay
Each please don't go
What I would give
To know the exact shape of your palms
Have them folded into memory
Making home in the dimples of my back
In the curve of my spine
Not allowing for goodbye
Reading only welcome
What I would give
To run hands through your hair
Through the saltwater aftermath
Through sand dusted in from the wind
From a day spent in beach sun
What I would give
To bury myself in the vacant parts of you
And never leave
What I would give
To fall asleep next to your mumbling
Next to your 3am curiosity
With your breath against my ear
And toes weaved together like the silk from our bedsheets
What I would give
Is not enough to shrink the space between us
Is not enough to turn distance into nonexistence
But boy,
What I would give
To have you next to me

I would give everything from the arch of my soles
To my abundance of freckles
To be with you

In order to be with you
I would give
All of me.
 Jul 2014 lostsoul
Winter Silk
It may be your laugh,
But it was my happiness.
It may be your smile,
But it was me who was enjoying.
It may be your breath,
But it was me who was feeling alive.
It may be your hug,
But it was me who was showing affection.
And now I see how much you mean to me,
But how little I mean to you.
It may have been your break-up,
but it was me that was broken.
Sometimes, what she shows isn't what she feels.
Sometimes, what you feel isn't what you show.
once again I find myself
lying here
sleepless in bed
and thinking of you
longing you by my side
your fingertips on my skin
and your hearbeat suiting itself
after mine
I realized
that I don't know you
at all
and that's what makes it
so hard
to not miss everything
about you
 Jul 2014 lostsoul
wyatt rabbit
It's that half smile of yours
the one that you make
when you're making me moan
and you're enjoying yourself
simply by making me enjoy you.
Your eyes
so concentrated
but so calm
and they look at me
like they're reading my mind
like everything I'm thinking
is written in my eyes.
Your hands move over me
like they're retracing a familiar place
like they've been there many times before
but still have so much more to explore.
You know me too well
and not at all.
You're comfortable
and amazed
all at the same time.
You love me the most
when we're all alone.

I could go on forever about the faces you make in bed.

— The End —