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Apr 2017 · 4.3k
I will marry you
Lorraine Cinco Apr 2017
Remember the glass house im talking about? The house inside the forest?
Buy and built me that house, then I will marry you.
Buy me a car, send me to driving school, allow me to drive and let me take you to everywhere
then I will marry you.
Promised me to attend all the festivals here in the Philippines.
lets dance, sing and lost to every corner of the street
then I will marry you.
Lets take a ride to a dolphin, dive with them deeper as much as we could
then I will marry you.
Lets take a flight to Europe, see the sunset in Santorini,
take my dream shot to the beautiful Eiffel tower and walk me around to the Rome City
then I will marry you.
Im afraid of heights but lets take a jump to 15000 ft above the ground and if we could do that
then I will marry you.
believe in the God I believed in, my God said strong faith can move mountains and if we're two we could make it through,
then I will marry you.
You know how to make me happy but if you could do it every minute,  
then I will marry you.
If this is too much too much to ask for, then just love me till I die and l will marry you..
Dont ask me to love you, because I already do,
that's why I will marry you.
Published it last July 28, 2013 in my blog and forgot when I actually made it.  Made some revisions.  Hope you like it.
Lorraine Cinco Apr 2017
Walking barefoot just to look for where you are.
I thought of searching in the corners of the world.
but I found you, love, standing at the middle of the road.
Your eyes looked at where I am sitting.
And it’s the first time I melt
They said every time was like a first time when you’re in love.
We spent the night under a caffeine influence.
You were so close.
I smiled, and you held my hands.
I looked at you with shock of innocence
Then you kissed my hand.
you move your head up and then you smile.
It was the moment the world stop.
It was the longest time I spent outside reality.
A dream of a once-upon-a-time starting to be told in me.
I wish destiny has something to do with it.
But my love I don’t believe in destiny.
Miracles have found us to be a living testimony.
That love as much as broken it was, will fought till the end until the beginning of new love
My love, It’s a miracle that I found you.
You don’t look for scientific reason,
Maybe it’s a divine intervention.
I knew heaven rejoice for that moment.
I can still hear the sounds of angels harps.
Scrambled moments of what will go on in a future me.
Uncertain but the present is far more beautiful than the future.
I'm ready to take the risk.
and you ask me, what were you thinking when we met?
It’s the only time I am so sure of one thing.

I think “I love you”.
Lorraine Cinco Apr 2017
Walking barefoot just to look for where you are.
I thought of searching in the corners of the world.
but I found you, love, standing at the middle of the road.
Your eyes looked at where I am sitting.
And it’s the first time I melt
They said every time was like a first time when you’re in love.
We spent the night under a caffeine influence.
You were so close.
I smiled, and you held my hands.
I looked at you with shock of innocence
Then you kissed my hand.
you move your head up and then you smile.
It was the moment the world stop.
It was the longest time I spent outside reality.
A dream of a once-upon-a-time starting to be told in me.
I wish destiny has something to do with it.
But my love I don’t believe in destiny.
Miracles have found us to be a living testimony.
That love as much as broken it was, will fought till the end until the beginning of new love
My love, It’s a miracle that I found you.
You don’t look for scientific reason,
Maybe it’s a divine intervention.
I knew heaven rejoice for that moment.
I can still hear the sounds of angels harps.
Scrambled moments of what will go on in a future me.
Uncertain but the present is far more beautiful than the future.
I'm ready to take the risk.
and you ask me, what were you thinking when we met?
It’s the only time I am so sure of one thing.

I think “I love you”.
Lorraine Cinco Sep 2016
He rarely woke up early to have coffee with me.
He made me a sandwich.
He kissed me a thousand times in just a night.
I love waking up next to him, and one morning, he said "Good Morning, Ugly!".
All happen in just a half week.
Sep 2015 · 933
Self reminder!
Lorraine Cinco Sep 2015
Click to stumble.
Redirect to something beautiful.
Breathe just breathe. The world has a lot to offer.
It will never be the end until you stop grasping for more.
Your pain is not to be hidden, show them your sorrow.
But, worry too little my dear.
You'll witness more.
This is an adventure of a never ending life.
Remain at the lowest or Soar high?
Jun 2015 · 853
Lorraine Cinco Jun 2015
I stole two of your clothes and wore it everytime I miss you.
You owned me without you knowing.
I followed your fooststeps to your way home on a rocky road.
Your shadow was the closest thing to me.
And I was happy with that. I like it that way.
I like it when you sway your arms, as if it will reach me.
I waited for you to look back at the girl who have been with you all the time.
No words. Silent. Hopefull.
Prayful that one day when you wake up, I am all you need.
Jun 2015 · 554
Tell me
Lorraine Cinco Jun 2015
I knew I have to cut this strings to save myself.
But I never realized I was already drowned.
He left me in depths of my love and despair.
He removed the air in space and dugged me down to the pit of sorrow.
I saw him down here, his arms that could save me held another.
I cried so much for the first time.
I cant decipher this was this great love? was this loss love? was this love at all?
Tell me, if he ever love me even once because there were never days I wasnt inlove with him.
Jun 2015 · 1.4k
Goodbye My Love
Lorraine Cinco Jun 2015
I wonder how many people were broken when we met.
Because a friend told me about parallel universe.
There is an exact opposite of the world we live.
If I was the happiest girl, it adds another lonely girl in that universe,
It kinda bothers me because I dont wanna see lonely people.
Just as I see myself right now. Its never a best place to be.

Those days were filled with moments I could never forget.
Moments Ive shared with you was firsts of my so many.
Still, there are words I wanna hear from you.
Hoping that one day it will be clear as crystal blue.
I love you, the words I kept and wish to say but never gotten the chance to say it.
I miss you, I missed you and I will miss you.
but how could I if you're not even mine.

Start and end are two different words always followed by the word fast
same as the sunrise and suset though they never met.
A french film told me that fantaises we created are doomed to fail.
I proved it right.
The hardest part was knowing that you hurt me but still doesnt change the way I feel.

How can a human heart beats this way?
It must be magic, no its a miracle.
See, love took your breathe away yet you're alive.
Pain, love and hopes intersecting with each other like a wire in a timebomb.
cut the wrong wire then boom! it'll explodes!

One thing for sure, I never regret of knowing you.
I never regret the time we shared, I never regret those sleepless night.
Though I knew it was all played, I never regret I felt this way.
If incase you're looking for a happy girl, remember the day we met because you were talking to her.

Don't ask me if Im lonely because loneliness is when I see my life without you.
Dont get me wrong because I knew from the start it was a one way entry road.
And I was stubborn to enter though the sign says "do not enter"
What can I do? no one teach me how to drive.
But if anyone  has the courage to teach my stubborn heart to drive.

I vowed to love again, this time like a fruit ripened from its season.
Ready and worthy  to be picked.
Thank you for passing by.
Goodbye my Love,
Till we meet again.
Jun 2015 · 1.9k
Lorraine Cinco Jun 2015
It was the same overwhelming night when the first time he told me that he loves me.
The only difference was when the second time he told me this.
I never believed him.
I want to love him more.
Love, pain. Love, pain.
Echoed million times in my head.
Heartbeats like drum rolls.
No air, breath in, breath out, I couldnt bear.
A cut connections trying to fix like the way he tie his shoe lace.
Shall I trust him?
Shall I believe him?
Never again to the same man.
But I am like a child.
No matter how deep the wounds.
I still play this game of love.
Stained memories were hard to forget.
Uninvited yet kept on coming.
But I took the chance.
Fell in love again.
After all, no days I never did.
Jun 2015 · 1.5k
Brokenness and love
Lorraine Cinco Jun 2015
It happened all at once.
You remained the same reasons of brokenness and love.
And I couldnt change it.
I'd rather have days of both misery and bliss than having days without you.
I think of you oftentimes like a madness killer.
Figuring out what kind of death you will die in my memories.
But everytime I did, I slowly dying.
Those memories were the only thing I owned.
And I dont want a world without you.

Does you think of me as well? I know you wont.
But I love you in every heartbeat and my mind could think.

— The End —