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 May 2014 Liz Stevens
Joe Bradley
The brush of your arm
And in my ribcage is
a purple evening with battering rain
in a dank flooded slum with open sewers
where we’re clenched under corrugated iron,
together but so, so alone -  

It’s a rain prayer answered with a tsunami.

What a stupid thing is touch.
 May 2014 Liz Stevens
Joe Bradley
Hold fast old junk, the goings good for a while.
As on the groaning deck the stamps and calls,
Won't mar the sun on sail and board.
Clenching hard to the deck, I fall asleep on my face
As, though sodden and sand bitten, I'm warm.
But sleep, even hard won, is never easy on a ship
As whispers from the blackest heart
Of the liquid beneath creep through my nose
And soak my brain in the salt of everything hidden below.
Cut on hard, old junk. The goings good for a while.

And though my eyes are closed mad dancers stir
In dreams that are wrought deep down and
hammered ungodly by the pressure of depth.
Once balmy oceans boil and froth,
Until they simmer the flesh, my countenance away
Til' just bare bones are left alone
and i'm left alone to pay.

In dreams of the rotten slave with stones in his shoes,
In dreams of the leviathan's grave, ragged with hagfish
In dreams of the nymph with her perfect **** and parted lips.
Who looks me dead in the eye.
Fish tailed, a filthy promise of a lie.
Theres the skeletons of the Indianapolis,
Atlantis as a garden of my bones that no one knows.

Jerking back awake, the stars have hit the sky.
The sea, now a black mirror, rolls slowly on,
As impenetrable as it ever was.
We see these things then let the sun
Burn them away and cut on.
And we remember what pressure does to the fish
That live in the deepest parts of the sea.
How they're disfigured.
But no matter how far submerged
the demented whips will crack again.
Unforgotten, insatiable,
so deep down in the dark.
Inspired by an underwater themed exhibition at the Tate in St Ives, still in a very rough form. Any feedback gratefully received, been trying to make this acceptable since November.
my eyes beg to be shut but my mind
has stapled them open. Poison oak
from two months ago now, burns
as my nails rip into it, soothe it.
The fan rumbles ever on, my feet down
from the mountain, my bruises
remarking subtly of my struggle.
I'd **** for a sleep spell, but I'm just
a ***** muggle. Huddled up with pillows as my cuddle buddy. For ****'s
sake, let me sleep, let me sleep, let me me?
Daniel Magner 2014
What puts a smile on my face
is a smile on yours
When we sit and talk
and your problems you pour
I like you even more
when the same you do for me
When you say, "I understand,"
you're the friend of the century
I welcome your presence
because every moment counts
Time with you is like love
taken in large amounts
There's no such thing as too close
You never stray too far
What I really like about ya
is that you know who you are
You never spend your time
trying to convince others
that you are nice and kind
You just let them discover
We know where we stand
Outsiders need not apply
They see not what I do
when looking at your eyes
We connect on a level
different than most
You're my constant guest
I'm proud to be your host
You and me together
is so uncomparable;
what dreams are made of
or a love parable
High school poem
I know that you're scared
and you make it a big deal,
but the Ear­th would remain
if you revealed how you feel
Sometimes life is pr­one to
moving a little too fast,
but I'm holding my arm out
for y­ou to grab as I pass
I am fully aware
of the pain in your past,
a­nd how you think good things
cannot always hope to last
I myself ­have been scorned
more than just a few times,
still, I allow you ­to inspire
so many of my lines
To me it is so clear
that there is­ something there,
but you make me a liar
when you choose not to s­hare
your perception of us,
what was and what will be
Thinking I ­have a chance
is always what will **** me
Do you know what you wa­nt?
Could I be the real deal?
Or is a relationship with me
someth­ing you just don't feel?

You know that I'm scared
and to me it's such a deal
that my world would collapse
if­ I revealed how I think I feel
Sometimes my life tends to
move ju­st a little too fast
That's when I lose focus
and allow you to pa­ss
You are fully aware
of the pain in my past
and how I know good­ things
are doomed to never last
You yourself have been scorned
m­ore than several times,
yet, you choose to dream
and continue to ­write lines
To you it is so clear
that there is something there,
­but I'd be such a liar
if I attempted to share
my perception of u­s,
what was and what will be
You're hoping to have a chance,
but ­you don't know the real me
I'm not sure what I want,
though, you ­may be the real deal,
but a relationship right now
just isn't som­ething I feel.
Inspired by Lupe Fiasco "He Say, She Say"
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
You need not worry
What another thinks
For you're but a sun
Shining light
each poem a ray
For those who find it
Glory such a day
But you must maintain your great waves
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Cole Nubson
If every night with you feels so exhilarating
Then maybe this is all I need.
Sometimes I find solemness in the concentrating
Yet occasionally I stumble upon devilish greed.

There are moments that could repeat themselves infinitely
And there are wounds that never seem to clot.
As every dream is marked by winding intricacy
The red slips into the laces and patterns in blots.

Days get longer and shadows grow in length
The perfect melody to an everlasting hunger.
Mindless worries leave as misery turns to strength
We are just a compilation of all but less than blunder, at least I wonder.

When I turn around it seems like you forget
That elastic bounces back at the slightest relief
And the wound upon my back starts to admit
Every moment withers along with the movement too brief.
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Cole Nubson
Leave me to wander in colors ranging from purple to black
Put a lock on any contact with the sweetest taste of liquor
Enrage me with ignoring my last response to the environment
Spend days on end battling through the need to slip
Light the worlds fuse to be remembered
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Theia Gwen
To be loved by a writer
Is to be immortalized
You will live on forever in her writing
Your quirks,
Your ideas,
Your insecurities,
Writers notice everything
And we never forget
You might catch her smiling at you
For what seems like no reason at all
But she's just trying to describe
The exact color of your eyes

To be loved by a writer
Is to have your entire relationship in written word
All you have to do is read and re-live everything again
Your first kiss,
Your first fight,
Your first date
Nostalgic memories in chronological order
And you may even learn something you never knew
Since everything will be in her point of view

To be loved by a writer
Is to see her frustration
Because she wishes she could be an artist
Since no words serve you justice
She wishes she could just paint a picture
And then they would understand
Because no amount of words could perfectly depict
Your hair sticking up,
Your abundance of freckles,
You wearing glasses
She gets upset when she thinks
She'll never fully portray all the things you say and do
But she'll never run out of ways to say "I love you"

To be loved by a writer
Is to be eternal
And to never fully disappear
And no matter what, she'll see you everywhere
Even when she opens her mind and escapes reality
Because she is the writer
And you are her writing
For you own her heart
From which her words flow
I'll probably edit this one later. I was inspired by 'A Dedication' by Lang Leav. Also inspired by my Nicholas, who indeed, looks very dashing in glasses.
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