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Oh, my dear, you're in love with a poet
and don't think for a second, he doesn't know it
of your every detail, he does fantasize
and then into poems, he does romanticize

Every time he makes you blush,
a little larger, grows your crush
and with each poem that makes you smile
you think about him, for a while.

You get stomach of butterflies
each time he writes, about your eyes.
and your heart, does little flips
when he writes, about your lips

At least he really hopes it does.
He hopes he's set your heart abuzz
Because he's a poet, and you're his muse
and you are perfect in, all his views.
Listen to me Aiden, and listen to me well
Don't say goodbye, 'cause you love her like hell
You know that she's everything to you,
So listen to me; here is what you do,
Find her and tell her how perfect she is
tell her quickly, before she is his.
You need her, you love, you really do
Why would you let anything stop you?
She is your light, your life, your love
Swear to me Aiden, upon god above
You won't give up on her, won't say goodbye
At least not until you give this a try
She is your everything, she's perfect to you
and tell her you still love her, 'cause I know you do.
A letter to me, for later, for the next time something like that happens and I get close to losing her
The worst part is that for such a  long time I didn't want to rest
Because I didn't want dreams, the real world was the best
I didn't want to play video games, I didn't need a distraction.
But now I do, the real world is ****, and I want some satisfaction
No matter what it is I tell you, you just reply okay
I'm not trying to get angry, but that's all you ever say
I start each conversation, and it's like you try to end it
I waste every moment, 'cause it's time you won't commit

If you've found some one else, I hope he brings out your smile
Because I promise you won't see mine, at least not for while
You mean more to me, than even my own life
So many times you were the reason, I put down the knife

You are my perfect little angel, the best thing I've known
I guess this is my all fault, for all the love I've never shown
I haven't seen you in awhile my dear
And now there's something I've come to fear
That I don't remember the smell of your hair
But at least I'd recognize that smile anywhere
And I might not remember the taste of your lips
But I still want my arms around your hips
But your laugh, now that is unforgettable
And every moment we're together, is un-regrettable
Oh I miss you with every fibre of my being
And I'm jealous of those friends, whom you keep on seeing.
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Eddie Starr
Trust me as I am for I speak the truth of the matter in life.
I am who I am, whether you like me or not does not matter.
For all that I been through , still I have compassion for others.
Even the ones whom only think about themselves all the time.
For we all need a Savior, he rescue his people over  2000 years ago.
Everyone needs him, for he is the only way to salvation and healing.
All that I can do is put it out there and pray for the lost in the world.
The rest is in the Saviors hands, So my prayer is for all to see the truth.
It matters not what you think of me, what really matters is what Christ thinks of me.
I was trying to say is trust me that's what I mean by take me is trust me I know what I am talking about
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Sleep come to thee
Take me away and whisper
Come with me

A place not so far
With rivers and forests
Crystal clear
A place where i have no scars

Clarity come to thee
Why cannot i see
I need to set myself free
While I'm awake in reality
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
Why must we elaborate
Poetry is subjective
Because it is art

Why must we label
Poetry is not what we say it is
It just is
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
A Penny
 Apr 2014 Liz Stevens
A penny for your thoughts
Not your words
But what is true
Do you really feel the same as I do
I'm crazy for your eyes  
Those multicoloured spies
The way they search reality
The way they used to look at me

You cannot feed these hungry mirrors
Without the boldness of the fearless
I cannot find them looking for me
I search the air, the illusion, the debris

So I shall stay and you shall float
Away from me, away from us both
Find a treasure, if you  haven't already
I'll be here ripped apart but steady
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