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Apr 2018 · 226
lyka Apr 2018
I guess I wanted warmth
And I guess we burned for a while
But you were only a flicker
When I needed fire
Apr 2018 · 779
lyka Apr 2018
I grew up
by the seashore
Never learning
how to swim
Saw sunrise
turn to sunset
As the lazy waves
turned in

Years of watching
the horizon
Spent changing
with the tides
The ocean breeze
still pulled me home
The deep blue
still mystified
Mar 2018 · 195
Poetry is Forgiving
lyka Mar 2018
It will not spite you
for taking its intentions,
putting it into your mouth
and spitting it back to the world
contaminated with your soul
Happy World Poetry Day :)
Mar 2018 · 176
lyka Mar 2018
I've decided to
let time flow
between us

Until it erodes
all the bitterness
we've built up

Washing away
all the pain
and wrong notions

Leaving room
for new waters
to pile up

Until forgiveness
flows back
into the ocean
Mar 2018 · 220
lyka Mar 2018
I am a broken glass of water
filled to the brim
A few drops from spilling
A few drops from breaking
Mar 2018 · 14.4k
lyka Mar 2018
The first time she looked up
She fell in love with the sky
Her heart reaching higher
The only answer was to fly

So she made wings of her heart
Carved dreams into feathers
Bid farewell to earth
And fluttered towards ether

But gravity loved her too
Had no intention to let go
Pulled her firmly to the ground
And broke her wings in woe
Mar 2018 · 257
lyka Mar 2018
I stand at the edge
refusing to fall
I was being defiant
by not answering your call
Because I was afraid
Because I was trying to be brave
Because that moment you reached out
Deep down, I knew wanted to cave
Into every promise
I'm too scared to trust
Into everything
I claimed to be weakness
You see right through my fraud
And you disarm me with your smile
Strip away my facade
And I am left defenseless everytime
For the stubborn romantics
Feb 2018 · 2.1k
I Try Not To Write About You
lyka Feb 2018
Poetry is when I play interpreter to my heart
Fumbling to find the right words
Stumbling to convey love beyond a four letter word
A million things get lost in translation
I inscribe loneliness most times
Happiness she prefers left unwritten
And you, she'd rather kept hidden
But I know you from all the unintended traces that spill unto everything she says
I try not to write about you
Or at least eclipse you in between the lines
But it's impossible when you're the one all her words are meant for
Feb 2018 · 393
Watching Through the Snow
lyka Feb 2018
I had a dream once of not so long ago
Of a girl standing still in the middle of the snow
White flakes covered every corner of my view
But I always found her like she was someone I knew

She seemed so familiar with her blood shot eyes
She looked like she'd been crying her entire life
Pale skin covered in wounds and lined by scars
Neon signs blindingly painful even from afar

My entire being desperately ached after her
Every cell screaming, "Don't let her suffer!"
I wanted to hold her, dry all her tears
Tell her there was nothing she should ever fear

But move I could not, not a single step
And words couldn't escape, not even my breath
I struggled hopelessly to be by her side
Thinking that if I didn't, she might have to die

Angry tears threatened, urging me to fight
But then she faded away, out of my sight
Suddenly I could move again but it was now too late
I wasn't able to save the girl from her terrible fate

I fall to the ground heaving, feeling an awful pain
It felt like lightning cursing through my veins
And then there was blood in my now pale complexion
Only then had I known, I was looking at my reflection
This was something I originally wrote during high school and posted years ago on another platform. I recently revised it, so now it feels like a collaboration between my 16 and 23 year old self. This is one of my favorites so thank you for reading :)
Feb 2018 · 216
lyka Feb 2018
I make up
a lot of fantasies
about love
The best one
was the one called us
Jan 2018 · 293
lyka Jan 2018
It seems I write best
when I am a little broken
The cracks allowing escape
of feelings unspoken
Getting by one poem at a time
Jan 2018 · 269
lyka Jan 2018
Beginnings start at the end
And at 23,
there is still a lot of growing up to go
A few more stumbles
A lot more mistakes
Some tears
but hopefully less heartbreaks

So take it slow
and start where you are
Life is short
but the end is still far
Take risks and make memories
Don't waste any on empty worries

And live each day in all of its glory
Live as the heroine of your story
Jan 2018 · 358
lyka Jan 2018
Wednesday mornings
are for 6am drives
while screaming along
to Beyonce

Friday nights
are for 4-cheese burgers
with extra large fries
AND a large coke

8am weekdays
are for dad jokes
and eye rolling puns

And Monday nights
are for senseless soul speak
and everything in between

Boring routines are built upon
spending and wasting time with people who make you forget the time
:the system of moving wheels inside something that makes its parts move
Dec 2017 · 391
lyka Dec 2017
When the sadness no longer comes in waves you've kept ashore

but a building tsunami seconds from wiping away every city you've built

Sanity tells you to run to the mountains

to find help, find shelter

but you've already made up you're mind to drown before it even hits you

Because that is how you've survived for so long

by keeping your heart underwater and drowning out the sound of it breaking.
I tell her to swim while I drown myself
Oct 2017 · 221
Me too
lyka Oct 2017
The phone rings in my hand
as I wipe away the tears.
She calls for no other reason
and the good daughter settles in to take control

It's about my brother of course,
he's in trouble; he needs me
I hold my voice steady and keep the broken parts at bay
I tell her okay. Not to worry and that I'll be on my way

She worries for him, repeats instructions a million times
It hurts me that she doesn't notice the little cracks in my voice
The quiet pauses in between the yes's and okays

I try not to be selfish
Be the daughter she needs me to be Strong and unbroken
But as the patched up pieces barely hold on to each other
The child within me cries for her mother
Sep 2017 · 266
New Again
lyka Sep 2017
I am never the same person twice, different from who I was yesterday
I've made a habit of breaking and rebuilding numerous times

So do not worry about returning the pieces you've taken

Like cells slowly replacing every inch of my skin
There will be parts of me you would have never been
Sep 2017 · 184
lyka Sep 2017
Your smile reminds me
of my favorite song
And if I could,
I'd keep it on repeat all day long
Sep 2017 · 208
lyka Sep 2017
I want a lazy kind of love
Too early to acknowledge the sun peeking through the window blinds
Too comfortable to disentangle arms and legs and sheets between us
Just enough warmth to forget all the plans we've made for the day
And that lazy smile resting on your face saying good morning everyday
Aug 2017 · 241
Hello 09/12
lyka Aug 2017
Would you say hello to a stranger like me?
The one in the back with the smile you can't see
Her nose in a book and a coffee in hand
Listening to rhythm of an unknown band

Would you say hello? Would you take a chance?
Be the first man to ask my hand for a dance
Be brave enough cause the chances could be
I'm sitting here hopin that you would notice me

Would you say hello? Cause it could all start from here
No one really knows but we might find something rare
A chance of holding on to something that's true
A chance that you're mine and I'm for you
Another old poem in all its cheesy glory. Still one of my favorites :)
Aug 2017 · 247
Untitled Thoughts
lyka Aug 2017
Here in the city under these bright urban lights
I hear people calling their dreams to come alive
Out there where scrapers tend to touch the sky
I'd give anything for that one angel's smile

Somewhere in the world, someone's gazing at the stars
Another stranger is sitting alone in the corner of a bar
Out there where possibilities come in endless strings
Somebody's wondering what tomorrow will bring

Facing the endless sea towards the waking of dawn
A new life opens as the past comes undone
On the other side, twilight collects the remains of the day
Memories are fading and sands are washed away
Wrote and posted this online years ago
Aug 2017 · 451
lyka Aug 2017
Show a little kindness
Shine a little light
When you're used to the darkness
Anyone can seem like Mr. Right
Aug 2017 · 277
lyka Aug 2017
I will not tell you to stop being sad or that there is no need to worry because you and I know that depression and anxiety don't work that way. Telling someone to stop being sad is like telling someone with OCD to stop locking the door 36 times or telling someone with asthma to "just breathe". Pure and utter *******. So instead, I will tell you to cry, cry until you've created an ocean of the abyss that lives within you. Wallow in self pity, swim with your sadness and dive in all that negativity. Just keep in mind that what I'm telling you is to swim, not sink. Keep swimming, swim as far as you can, swim until your body aches with fatigue, until your muscles cramp or until you get sick of the water. Then when you've decided you've had enough, comeback to the shore and there I'll be waiting.  Once we've dried you off, I will rebuild you with donuts and icecream.
For the pineapple to my watermelon.
Aug 2017 · 253
Be Kindness
lyka Aug 2017
Little girl, young and afraid
The world on your shoulders will be heavily weighed
People will be cruel and life unjust
They will teach you to grow up with deceit and distrust
But little girl, listen carefully to me
There is so much more out there if you make it to be
Happiness is a choice and love is something you share
Do not let them take away your ability to care
So little girl, young and afraid
Be brave
Become kindness instead
Be the change that you wish to see in the world - Mahatma Gandhi
Jul 2017 · 188
Writing Process
lyka Jul 2017
I write to rid
of the feelings
that drag at my soul
Jul 2017 · 306
lyka Jul 2017
The once all-consuming thought of you
is now nothing but a rare interruption
and of the spaces you used to fill out
I've made plans for a renovation
Jul 2017 · 1.6k
lyka Jul 2017
I did not ask to be held together
Nor to be pulled through the dark
I only hoped to be warm for a moment
To linger a while longer in your heart
May 2017 · 303
lyka May 2017
It begins with a simple 'Hi', a smile, a single look
For a fleeting moment, yeah, that's all it took
Your whole life wondering what is what, where is where
And suddenly you just knew, everything's there
Found this in between the pages of my micro notes :)
May 2017 · 330
lyka May 2017
You were an asteriod
and I a lonely planet
And for a brief while
gravity pulled us together
You stopped falling
'I'm afraid of being happy', was the last thing he said
May 2017 · 391
lyka May 2017
If you're not going to stay
Might as well not start at all
While my heart is still unmarked
While my soul is still whole

Leave now
While I still have a grip on the pieces of me that want to go with you

Leave now
While I'm still capable of knowing that nobody survives a fall

Leave now
Because another second more
Is already too many seconds longer
And I am too vulnerable to fight this
There is no in between
May 2017 · 346
lyka May 2017
because in my dreams
you were hit by a moving car
mauled by a large animal
died a million violent deaths

And yet

I still find myself woken up
heart pounding against my ribs
inconsolably sobbing to your demise
utterly and completely terrified

Because deep down

I know

That hate
is not the lost of love
indifference is

Hate is the malevolent version of love
like how a blackhole
is nothing more but a dead star
Apr 2017 · 287
in media res
lyka Apr 2017
2am cups of coffee
and scattered paper sheets
plastic rimmed glasses
summer night's heat
Apr 2017 · 231
lyka Apr 2017
Little girl
of the monsters
her bed
Little girl
you'll grow up
to befriend them
Apr 2017 · 342
Remembering a stranger
lyka Apr 2017
In a world populated by billions
I am but a face among others
Another child among thousands
One more soul through eternity

My voice is a silent whisper
In the stream of life's orchestra
Along with the rest who slowly perish
So will my name be forgotten

But as the boat reaches its shore
I think of strings, a silent prayer
A single deed changes another life
And a stranger's story is rewritten
Published this is poetfreak before.
Apr 2017 · 243
lyka Apr 2017
'So when will you be getting a boyfriend?', they tease
'Oh, I don't even want to get married',
They laugh. I smile. And the conversation ends
Easily dismissed as a joke, some playful remark
They laugh away a truth they've spent years denying
They ignore the reasons glaringly left unsaid
Like the children their husbands have fathered outside their wombs
Like the woman who has ruined our family silently dining with us
No one spares a glance at the elephant living by them
For the sake of family, for what is seen
And then they all think that I rejoice at the thought of having their lives
Trophy wives who settle down, busy raising their trophy children
Brandishing the perfection they're so desperate to cling to
An expensive vase glued together
Apr 2017 · 919
lyka Apr 2017
fill me with  your soul
spill unto me every thought
every sickness  of the heart
one by one
we'll take them apart
and piece by  piece
we'll rebuild you whole
Apr 2017 · 366
lyka Apr 2017
My father has a quiet strength
so quiet
that you forget it's even there
so quiet
that I mistake it for silence
Silence in the midst
of my brother's threats
Silence made louder
by my mother's own voice
Loud, opinionated,
well-meaning, hurtful
My mother speaks too many words
All at once
Without pauses in between
to let anyone else in
No spaces left to tell
your side of the story
Forcing you towards conclusions,
leaving you gasping
My sister,
she wears her heart on her sleeve
Honest, flawed,
every piece meant to be adored
And she shines a little too bright
And hurts a little too much
She is a lot like our mother
and like her,  
hurts without meaning to
My brother on the other end,
is a lot like me
Putting up walls
in places that do not need them
Thinking that the world rejects,
when we are the ones
that refuse to let it in
The part of me that finds familiarity
symphatizes and despises him both
And I,
selfish and lonely,
continues to break for him
For them
For me
Apr 2017 · 205
lyka Apr 2017
I wish to be the heart break
behind your eyes
the words
to every sad love song on the radio
the quiet melancholy
that wakes you every morning
the raindrops
that hit your window

I wish to be the sorrow
you carry with every step
the bitter taste
that lingers on your tongue
the sighs
that haunt the spaces of your day
the last regret you'll hang upon
First poem published on this site :)

— The End —