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 Jul 2019 Leisa Battaglia
Aslam M
Hungry Eyes.
Thirsty Lips.
Empty Soul.
I need you now
more than Ever.
 Jul 2019 Leisa Battaglia
you are far,
yet feels so close,
as close as
when i capture
your lips touch mine
in my head.

you left me wondering
with what kind of heroine
you gave me
make me a lil insane
but i love it.

i am clueless
dying to know what it feels like
to touch your skin.

kinda lost,
guess i'll see you soon then?
I know you can hear me
I saw you in my dreams...
When you lived on the terrestrial plane
I think we both spoke different languages.
Both about love,
Just about different ways of loving...
................Just so you know..............
I love you so......
Even if before you turned to fine dust
You never really
Got to see and feel
The depth of my


    l  o  v  e    

  y      o      u     

In the language you spoke.
a message to my dad.He passed away two years ago, and he has visited me in my dreams.
 Jul 2019 Leisa Battaglia
 Jul 2019 Leisa Battaglia
even after everything
if i could go back
to the first moment we met
i wouldn't run
from the heartache
i'd only tell myself
just how worth it
you were.
- i don't know how to be me without you and it's terrifying.
It isn't the moments of joy,
or the merry memories I miss-
it were the moments of silence spent with you.
To be in your presence-
the quietude-
for it was only you who understood me
and my silence better
than myself.
 Jul 2019 Leisa Battaglia
There used to be a bottle on the wall.
It was very green.
I'm sure it was the loneliest green bottle
that I had ever seen
It used to sit on the wall
all day and all night
And every day, when I looked out of the window,
it was always in my line of sight
Then one day, a cat came along.
Something was going to happen; I could tell
The cat then accidentally nudged it
and off the wall, it fell
When it had fallen off the wall
it had dropped with a very loud sound.
There were all these little pieces of the green bottle
all over the ground
Then the cat yelped
and I knew it had gotten hurt
I could quite obviously see its paws were caked in
blood and dirt
The bottle wasn't harmful in the beginning
it did not look the slightest bit treacherous
but after a nudge in the wrong direction
it became very dangerous
Now I look back at you smiling
next to me on the big armchair
Your fingers running through your soft locks of hair.
You remind me a lot
of that green bottle.
In the beginning, you were harmless
you were all sorts of fun.
Now you hurt me.
Could you tell me why
as I don't quite know what I've done
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