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Lady Grey Nov 2017
Her eyes were wide
Lifeless and dark
The inky blackness of them ate up her pale face
They were all i could see...
Except for the mouth, of course

Her mouth was a ****** smear across her cheeks,
Dripping down her neck
Glittering wetly in the starlight--
There was no moon that night

No-- not that night

She stood in the rain
Hair plastered to her skull
Spewing words black and bitter
At any who dared walk past

Giggling and hacking as the blood slid down her throat and filled her lungs
Blending with the hate and sorrow in her chest

What is wrong with her

Her vicious nails scratched at her frail body,
Ripping her skin like paper

She split at the seams

The gaping holes spilling everything she once stood for
As she self destructed

And her misery consumed her.
  Nov 2017 Lady Grey
kainat rasheed
Two shadows
Were my home
That was my comfort zone
One before me
One behind me
Two walls
Big and tall
I was following those steps
In between the path
I lost one
Where it gone now
Two shadows
One was before me
Another was of my own
How will i reach home now
my home is broken now
The home with  one wall
Is incomplete now
I am remained with my own shadow
Whoes steps will i follow now
Where is the home now
My vision was in between those two shadows
How can i see now
No light for me ?
My world between those two walls
Was  too small
What to do with this world now
This rising sun is too hot now
Its hard to open my eyes now
And look around
Will that shadow come back now
I find out a solution now
I am searching for bricks
To put them all
before me
Behind me  
To the rising sun
One by one i will make the wall
And burried me down
Imagine how i am looking now
In deep and down
Lady Grey Nov 2017
Doing homework left and right,
Ha! No, i’m not “fine”
Working my *** off all the time--
I’ve got no time!

No time for these video games
All the “kids these days are playin’”
I ain’t got the time of day
And i’m just here saying--

Why do we have to do this?
Do you understand the strain
The stress
You do daily to our brains?

You accuse us of being lazy
Selfish, stupid
You’re driving me crazy!

Don’t we deserve at least
A little (grudging) respect
Being ABLE to cope AT ALL (not all of us can...)
What more do you expect?

Do you expect us to just be “fine”
Every time you ask?
Because we’re not
Not with all these endless tasks.

It ******* ***** TO BE A TEENAGER
In this day and age
And I, at least, would appreciate it
If all these people talking trash about kids my age

Would just stop
Because we’re not “in your day” anymore
And I’m not “fine”
And school, (to be perfectly honest) is just a bore.
My class had to write a poem based on Maya Angelou's "Ain’t That Bad" at school, basically our perception of our culture, and however we interpreted it.
Lady Grey Nov 2017
A soft brush of something--
Or lips perhaps...
Across my face

Gently reassuring
That everything will be alright…
That someone is there with me
In the darkened abyss of my room

But when I try to hold on to it,
To make sure it’s real,
The feeling fades
As fickle and fleeting as the tears escaping my eyelids
Lady Grey Nov 2017
I like to say “Goodnight” aloud,
Every night,
Before I go to sleep
(When I remember).

Not for myself, of course,
But for anyone,
Or anything,
That might be listening.

Not to God,
If that’s what you’re thinking,
Though I am open
To the possibility.

But rather,
To the demons of my day;
My little fears and regrets,
So that they might shut up,

And leave my dreams the **** alone.
Something I actually do, the poem was inspired by a friend's writing
Lady Grey Nov 2017
She’s got stars in her eyes
But not the good kind, no,
The kind she hides behind her smile
She laughs and jokes, of course,

But she’s a little off today
I can see it
It’s in the slump of her shoulders
When no one’s looking,

And the way she stares into the distance
When there’s a pause in the conversation

I wish she wouldn’t
I wish she was as happy as she says she is,
When I know she’s not

She’s got the blues today
Her parents don’t help
This morning when she got out of the car
She had to put up that wall

To make everything seem alright
When it’s really not

She’s got stars in her eyes,
But not the good kind, no,
The kind i would take away in an instant if I could
If only I could.
Something I noticed about a friend of mine
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