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Awoken from a dream that never ends, aware of the lies that disguise the worth of mortal lives. Taught to mimic what's seen without ever knowing what it means, I watch the masses shift between souls with free will, and machines with a set of programmed commands.
Robots on a conveyer belt, the world is spinning we are all trying to hold on to our sanity. Humanity individuality, what makes us different is slipping this constant need to be different. Is what makes us the same.
A collaboration between myself, and grey storm
 Mar 2015 elizabeth capital
It's a cycle, is it not?
When everything is going perfect for you,
A wall in your perfect castle will fall,
And you will rebuild it.
Maybe another will fall while you buid,
So you build that one.
And then maybe another,
So you build and build and build
Until the castle is whole again.
And then they will fall.
Everything was falling apart for me before and every one seemed fine before, now everything is perfect for me and everything is ******* my friends over. Guess that's the balance. When I'm done, my friends are able to care for me cause they don't need to worry bout themselves for a bit and vice versa. Hm. Strange how things work out.

By yeah yeah yeahs
As a life enters the world, a new song begins. A song filled with passion, and beauty, a song graced with an elegance that can never be mimicked.
  A song, perhaps sang in vain,  it's  beauty created only to fade in time, only ever appreciated by the soul who performed it, A melody as tragic as it is beautiful, a work of art that can never truly be appreciated by another, fated to be forgotten in time.
My mistakes are never clean
never in perfect little
-messed up rows, they are ugly
blotted lines, scratched out verses

I am an unfinished prose
-forgotten, used and crossed off
but so raw at the moment
in which I was unwritten.
I know the pain you feel is deep,
your want from life is simple peace.
And though I cannot guarantee,
please listen closely, as I speak.

Presently you stroll alone,
searching for a hand to hold.
You feel your sorrow in your bones,
in harshest sun, you still feel cold.

Pre - dawn, however, is darkest night
that must be followed by morning light.
I pray you won't give up the fight,
the universe will set things right.

I know at times, it seems unclear
that happiness is always near.
But wholly I believe my dear,
someday soon, you'll find some cheer.
 Mar 2015 elizabeth capital
I promised you
The stars will belong to us
And the Moon watching from above
Never out of sight
As we take a stroll down the path
With night lanterns hung up
Specially for you
In replace for the Sun
I can’t promise you
1)Spill out your heart in a poem and write every single little detail about how he makes you feel like your body is on fire but in a good way
2)Reject your poem, and substitute the two hundred thirty nine words with three letters “hey”
3)Feel the pain of talking to someone who has no idea what flirting is
3)Tell yourself you are not taking a direct enough approach
1) Spill out your heart in poetry and write every single little detail about how he makes you feel like your body is on fire
2) reject your poem, and substitute the two hundred thirty nine words with three words “So whats up”
3)Feel the pain of talking to someone who has no idea what dating is like
4)Tell yourself you will not worry over how you look for him
4)Tell yourself you will not worry over how you look for him
4) Tell yourself you will not worry over how you look for him
5)Be friends with his friends
6)Watch his favorite show
7)Imagine every good way this could end
8)Imagine every bad way this could end
9)Tell yourself you will be his friend, nothing more
10)Write two hundred and thirty nine words to tell him what he does to you
11)Wait for him to read your poetry
when i first met you
i thought that you were to good for me
but now as i have figured out
i am not good enough for me
I keep reading quotes about just wanting to be simple with someone. Just wanting to lay in bed and eat pizza with their person. Nothing special, something simple.

That's the stupidest **** I've ever heard. There is nothing simple about being in love.

So I don't want simple.
I want you. No matter what you come with, no matter how complicated it gets, no matter when we end.

I want you and there is nothing simple about that.
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