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When I close my eyes
I see black grass
It taunts and waves
As if to say, why are you here
It rules the darkness
I see shadows of beings
They hide and do not come forth
What are the afraid of
Black grass
The Black grass  manipulates,
time and space
Can't be  here long
Wipe your eyes
And forget what you've seen
Go home, the grass isn't always greener
On the other side
It's not that there's nothing to say, it's that there's to much to yell.
And all these words are stirred up by emotion, which probably means they aren't at all accurate.

In my dreams my scars have taken the form of tattoos and vice versa.
If you could tell me what that means well you’d be entitled to whatever my rest is worth.
I'll come back around to this one day.
 Mar 2015 elizabeth capital
i don't want to be bothered
      by mediocre
show me weird
        and we'll talk.
You. Can. Be. Anyone.
Anyone at all!
How does that make you feel?

If you are a child, I hope it makes you feel wonderful
Spirit emblazed with the possibilities
Worlds open up for you,
And you are free,
There is a time for potential.

But if you are older and feel the crushing weight of your self upon your own shoulders,
and you want to cage yourself in
Away from the infinity that you are,
and hide
Til you realize that You are not there to confine,
And that you make yourself;
And if this terrifies you,
That it is because it is important.

Now take your aged wisdom,
And apply the youth of your past.
And awaken yourself,
And push away Fear;
You have the Potential;
*Embrace it.
Your manly pride
Which please, have no fear
It's electric
Even when you won't even touch me
What is that about?

I already told you it's

Like nothing I ever knew or will again
But how would I know?
I'm even less experienced than you could possibly imagine
And yet you think with your warped thoughts
That it is other
It is not
I'm more alone than ever
And yet it's not the worst thing


You're the expert, remember?
You think I had a boyfriend?

I didn't
I don't
I could
I won't
It won't do
One got in and I kicked him
Others would love to
Oh how nice. Thank you you but no thanks

No one touches me. The baked goods locked away in a pretty cabinet since the leaves were still on the trees
That is my truth
Since for
For you

And that
Is my
Because what I want and what I get are mutually exclusive
I'm funny like that

And the world still turns

Whiny girl who discriminates for reasons of chemistry and admiration, didn't get her way? Boo f
cking hoo. It's not Somalia. Or Sudan.

And so look where that gets me
I'm Jane Austen in Becoming Jane
I'm Laura Ingalls Wilder with no Almanzo
I'm Greta Garbo
Who actually didn't say
"I want to be alone"
She actually SAID
"I want to be left alone"
Quite a bit different really
And I didn't ask for either intentionally but I'm here living proof it happens
I'm a spinster
Because for that I don't bend
Except for you

I'm a genius!!
Emma’s Journey

Now no more the slanting rays
Of rain or snow, this poetry
Of weather charting the bright haze
Of days on Earth, sweeping melodies

Did your forget even for a time?
That our days here are limited?
Feel it slipping like an evening hymn
The months become years of lost moments

Most musical and to heaven extending
The loves ones leave us now
The Sun we once held so dear
Is softly descending, O Lord our waiting eyes

This universe as wide as the speed of light
These ***** nightly meditations for what
You would have become, little signs
Of creation and contemplation

While my world is growing dim
Now no more the crimson blaze
Of fiercely loving, give me wisdom
For these tragedies, of losing and loving

And starry pleasures of transcendent gestures
Encoded in art in private moments
Of what it feels like to be lost, anonymous
And solitary, the unexpected sleep
Of a youth dying before their course was set.
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