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I reach out to the stars,
mesmerized by their eternal beauty.
Dreaming about the day that I reach one,
and look around to see different stars,
glittering all above my head.
Dreaming about these aspirations that never end,
for once I reach something that was once far away,
I am captivated by something else,
something yet further away.
As I retrospect these dreams however,
I finally realize,
after all this time,
the source of the eternal beauty,
was not in the stars,
oh no,
it was,
in the distance.......
Just random thoughts
As I stir to wake up
I felt something, draining my spiritual cup
So I gave myself help
By touching the window, to balance myself.
Original version
If Pain was a payment....
My bills would all be solved....
If Loneliness was my line of credit....
Then I would max it out for you....
If Sadness was a passport....
We would fly around the world.....
But i only have a coupon called Hope...
And it barely makes a difference on the payment of Life....
And all the I O U's from the bank of Trust...
Barely get me by...
I see the economy of Happiness an empire not worth investing...    Because no price is as low as the discount of Loss......
But i break my life savings kept in Piggy bank called Memories...
And I remember I saved just enough Love to get me thru......
When is your birthday
I only wonder when so I can wish you the best--
each  year you may not ask me to show up at your door,
but I will gladly surprise you with a cupcake and a smile.
Maybe a card that randomly says way too many things;
muddling the message that I really was trying to say, you are special.

Not only today is your day, but today is more your day than anyone else--
That while I celebrate when you came to life,
I also celebrate your struggles and I celebrate your victories.
Cheering, screaming, and chanting for the public to know, today, is yours!

I will gladly burn down any building with the candles from your cupcake--
Because you are getting older, but **** it, it's tradition.
I have to pack that cupcake with 24 candles,
even though they stopped looking good at 16,
I could have gotten smaller ones, but I keep buying the same pack every year.

No matter who you are, I will bring the cupcakes--
just accept that while I attempt to ****** you with diabetes
I'll also be showing you to the whole world around us,
so don't be shy, because it'll only give me more ideas for next year.
When people tell me that it's their birthday or it's going to be soon.  I just plan things for them because it's such an important day.  I want people to know that they matter and their birthday is an amazing day to do so!
 Apr 2015 Kim Johnson
Paul D
 Apr 2015 Kim Johnson
Paul D
You drive each sense wild.
Touching you
Seeing you
Hearing you
Smelling you
Tasting you...

Each sending vibrations through my soul,
as if yours is reaching for mine.
Holding on
 Apr 2015 Kim Johnson
Your voice is the only melody I've missed.

I guess the easiest way to **** someone isn't by saying goodbye; you never said it. The worst part is dealing with your absence and presence all at once. Time was on our side, I thought. Nights were short, but enough to be remembered. Perhaps dreams don't always come true, and nightmares don't really end. I wouldn't wish for you to stay, but I wasn't ready to get used to days or nights without you; and I don't want to right now. I'd rather be a stubborn stain, than be clean forgotten by you. Maybe I'd turn numb from the cold shoulder you've been shoving into my face; maybe only a frostbite would suffice. I can barely take seeing you in these places where we used to be. When you left, you took away what I thought you poured into me. I wouldn't have known emptiness could be so hard to carry.

I'd take my time. Maybe some days it'd hurt less, and I'd miss you less. Just today, I'm still lost without you.
I fell asleep trying to write this two nights ago. Sadness isn't always expressed in tears. Sometimes wasted tears tire you out too much. There are things that can't be thrown away just like that. Hope I wasn't a replacement to you as well. Don't leave for good. Stay. I still want you, friend. I miss you.
 Apr 2015 Kim Johnson
night child
The music in my mind, is not the song they like.
They want to change the tune, just for their delight.

Crazy is what they'd call me, but I would not deny,
I love the way I am, no that is not a lie.

The ones dressed in white, and the others dressed in blue,
They tell you that they'll help, but what can they do?

Slip a pill down your throat, put a smile on your face,
Make sure to always accept a warm, loving embrace.

They can't make the shadows go away, because you need the sun in your life,
Just like how you can't rid of kitchen appliances; a steak needs a sharp knife.

So instead they'll numb your senses, so you'll never feel the pain,
I've never heard of something quite this inhumane.

Keep me away from there, they'll never let me out.
I will fight against my will, don't even try to doubt.

Just let me be, I'll find a way, to live another day,
Because I will refuse to eat hospital food on a little dusty tray.

Let me sing my song, you can listen if you please,
But do not stop the track, unless I start to sound like Lise.
No need to insert the story to express the use of my sisters name.
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