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   shuddering night, gentle callings,
   dim light, reckless
   identical, yours&mine.;

(fireplace room)
   trembling fingers, tracing
   soft skin, mapping each galaxy:
   beauty, depth.
   mystery, now

(roped eyes)
   shaking breath, light brushes
   over laced fingers,
   heavy ripples in its wake.

   floating gracefully upon
   tender star-filled seas,
   pulling me under,
   shaken breath taken;
one of those simple but not simple poems done in the early dark hours of morning.
I was in a dream when Silence called
And woke me from my shallow sleep,
Though it's ring raked my ears I stalled to meet my feet,
Yet through the darkness I soon crawled
To hear the quiet weep,
A tearful tale it unveiled that I dare not repeat
It echoes in the mind it galled
What thoughts it's specter reaps,
I was dreaming when Silence called
It knows I never sleep
Would like to know what you think
And critical comments are welcome
 Apr 2016 Kerry Ann Herrmann

metal knots
my stomach
so firm
& crude

metal nails
my mouth
they bleed;
& wounds

metal noose
my neck
it's turning
& blue

metal pins
my temples
i can't remember
how to think
or do

metal chains
weigh down
my ankles
i try to fight
but cannot

metal core
of the earth
calls me
i'm sinking-
& there's nothing
i can do

I have come the selfsame path
To the selfsame door,
Years have left the roses there
Burning as before.

While I watch them in the wind
Quick the hot tears start —
Strange so frail a flame outlasts
Fire in the heart.
a moment is for a breath
still you gasp
a year is for improvement
still you are unsatisfied
a life is for salvation
still you worry

you must stop waiting
it is time
you must stop asking
you know
you must stop despairing
begin believing

you only hear their criticism
still you listen
you cannot feel how you grow
still you deny yourself
you can only see your flaws
still you look

you must begin to see the distance
you have traveled
you must begin to see the pain
you have overcome
you must begin to see the love
you receive from God
Her world is falling apart
While they are falling asleep
She's crying in her dreams
Her heart has broken
And she hasn't spoken
In months
They watch her walk around the street
Following her eyes down to her feet
Her lungs are black
From the cigarettes burning the back
Of her throat
She lights fires to everything she touches
Listening to everyone's soft hushes
Falling into the darkness in her heart
Her world is falling apart
These sad eyes and tired shoulders have make me weak with the promise of someday. The weight of the world is pressing down so tightly on my vision that I can’t see anything but the sun’s glare. And I am waiting so anxiously for the days to break and the river to warm so I can try to wash my dusty eyes and smooth my crumpled up soul so I never have to come back to four white walls and a picket fence.
i wrote this in high school and just found it
Show me dear Christ, thy spouse so bright and clear.
What! is it she which on the other shore
Goes richly painted? or which, robb'd and tore,
Laments and mourns in Germany and here?
Sleeps she a thousand, then peeps up one year?
Is she self-truth, and errs? now new, now outwore?
Doth she, and did she, and shall she evermore
On one, on seven, or on no hill appear?
Dwells she with us, or like adventuring knights
First travel we to seek, and then make love?
Betray, kind husband, thy spouse to our sights,
And let mine amorous soul court thy mild Dove,
Who is most true and pleasing to thee then
When she'is embrac'd and open to most men.
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