in the land of the white
live too the black men
apparently with equal right
but with covert disdain.
why couldn't the world be one place
when we are all from common gene
where humanity is the only race
across the color of skin.
in the land of the black
live too the white men
apparently of the same pack
but on a different plane.
why couldn't the world be one landmass
when we rose from one origin
where being humane is the only class
across the color of skin.
in the land of the white
live the white men
among them aren't equal right
exist disparity and disdain.
why couldn't the world be one unit
when together we all once had been
where brotherhood is boldly writ
across the color of skin.
in the land of the black
live the black men
among them oneness they lack
the inequalities still remain.*
why couldn't the world be one creed
where mankind lives as one kin
the white and the black can only read
love across the color of skin.