Becoming who you are
Is not an easy feat.
You have to shed the skin
Of many failed versions.
Prototypes are stowed away,
Blueprints shredded.
Which laugh works?
Is this personality too loud?
Will I be a loser if I don’t go to that party?
Or to that event?
Should I modulate my voice?
Am I too much of a nerd?
Am I not enough of a nerd?
Do these glasses work with my face?
Do these clothes work for my body?
Over and over,
The plans change,
And you change,
And you try to find the best
Version of yourself.
And you wonder why
There’s more than one
To begin with.
You wonder what happened,
To the innocent kid
Who thought her elementary school
Friends would always be there,
And who thought she could do anything.
You look back on yourself
As an athlete.
You look back on yourself
As a writer.
And you wonder why
You became this person
Who will just settle
To get by in life.
You wonder why
You’re constantly at
The drawing board,
Why the things you really
Want to do in life
Are impractical,
And why the things
You’re going to do are
Only semi appealing.
How did you get
****** into this society,
And how did you become this
Automaton with no autonomy?
Why can’t you decide
What’s best for you
Without being wracked with
Looks like you need to be
So we’ll scrap this model
And get back to you
With a new one.
Try not to break it.