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 Dec 2015 Kelly Hogan
 Dec 2015 Kelly Hogan
I used to be afraid of the dark.
I felt like it would surround me
Choke me
Trap me
I could always see long fingered monsters
in the shadows about
to ****** me away.
But it's different now,
I long for it to surround me
Embrace me
Hide me
It blocks out everything
and softens it
Like a think blanket or
an old book
I've made peace with its silence
and I've come to realize
that the world scares me more than any monster.
 Dec 2015 Kelly Hogan
I like the fog,
I like that it blurs everything
in the distance,
and that it gives my thoughts
soft edges.
It lets me know the small space
around me
Like it is saying,
Don't look
at anything but the red break lights
ahead of you.
Let the world disappear into
 Dec 2015 Kelly Hogan
She was like your first breath of air after coming up from underwater, and now I'm drowning.
My head, my heart, they are empty,
producing, containing nothing.
Yet, they are stuffed to the max,
flooding with thoughts, emotions, worries, hopes.
How can one be so empty, yet so full?
I am a ghost existing,
alive and dead in this twisted world.
They drain us of vitality and fill us with emptiness.
We are the lost.
Don’t bother looking for us,
we are already gone, found.
when i sit
at a table
with people
i know
dont want me

when i drink
can after can
cup after cup
of electricity
and anxiety

when i dont
want to go home
but cant stay

when its after one am
and im still crying
out of my eyes
and out of my arms
and my legs
and my stomach

when i want to run
in all directions
at once

when i sing

when i speak

i feel
myself crawling
out of my skin
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