We are constantly blinded to true beauty, blinded to the light in good. We fall into darkness, we feel alone & we feel like we're not good enough. We feel like we can't measure up, and we get scared that we won't be excepted in the world. What we don't ask our self is why would we ever want to be excepted into this cold place called home. A place where beauty can only be judged by appearances, but in reality beauty is so much more. We take all these flawless things for granted, and we pass them up every day. We have eyes, but we choose not to see. We don't focus on the small things in life like the simplicity and the utterly outstanding beauty, we just focus on objects and what a person has. I know what it feels like to be unhappy, to be judged by how you look and to fake a smile at school. To act like everything is fine but really inside it's killing you. You just want to break down and let it all out but you just can't. So why is this world so fake, why do we judge each other, why are we mean? Life isn't to fulfill desire, but rather to eliminate it. To eliminate what you are told you need to have.