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To his Best Friend

You can tell him how incredibly annoying
it is that he makes love with his socks on,
and you can tell him that no matter
how many country songs he plays
the jeep will still be broken and the sun
will still go down at five o’clock
despite the garage lights and the cans of Miller.

Tell him I really didn’t notice him when he walked in,
and tell him that maybe I’ll be over to the party Saturday,
or that he walks pigeon-toed and that’s why
he ***** at walking on the curbs.

You can tell him anything you want to, just
don’t tell him that I love the way he holds a spoon
like a shovel or how his hair sticks up in the front
outside his hood in the mornings, or that his pants
don’t fit his waist that dips in from his belly,
soft, skin warm from my body lying on top of his,
and don’t tell him

that the more backwards we bend the more forwards
I fall. Don’t tell him that sometimes I make the bed
just so I can stay longer, please,
don’t tell him that the way he looks in a towel
with water dripping from his bottom lip
makes me want to crawl back into bed, rattle
his bones, and **** the kisses with my teeth
as I dig myself deeper into this infrastructure,
this balance, between hating what I’ve done,
and loving someone
who’s never going to think you’re enough.

Don’t tell him that I’ve strung together our moments
like a necklace and that I wear that burden
on my chest, hoping, between prayers
that I find a way to breathe. Don’t tell him
that I’ve broken over him. Don’t tell him

that sometimes my double-takes are triple
and sometimes I cry in the bathroom
and sometimes—
just please (
save me*) please don’t tell him.
 Nov 2014 Kayla Jennings
I've never heard a voice speak so weak
yet still puncture my ear.
I've never heard a single word spoken
that enchanted my darkest fear.
hell-fire struck me deep like a dart
as if anacondas were suffocating my heart.
My body turned cold.
as I tried to fathom what I've been told  
horror and regret eat my living flesh whole.
Question after question contradict in my soul.
Acid tears scold my eyes;
reactant to a mind
that is overwhelmed and flooding with doubt.
My anguished internal spirit cries out
Why would he abandon his family like that?
How could he leave us so soon?
What were the thoughts damning his mind
when the gun to his own head, he drew.
By Lindsay Johnson
you make me smile
even on my worst day
you make me happy
with just a simple hey

when i hear the sound of your voice
it fills me with excitement a feeling like no other
listen for i have no other choice
you are the one my significant lover
Some days I can't stop thinking about you and some days I wonder why I start.
 Nov 2014 Kayla Jennings
Dylan G
I’ve been given a book, a Book of Instruction,
A book of what’s right and what’s wrong.
But when I am nudged towards this path of perfection,
I turn the other direction.

If I were not told of the wrong thing to do,
I would never think to even do it.
But because of my sin and my enmity of the true,
My promises to do right, simply fall through.

This book gave the path to life,
But all my sin saw was a chance.
A chance to bring death like a cutting knife,
To make me live through the strife.

Sin go away!
Leave me be!
No matter how much I wish to follow whatever the LORD may say,
You’re right there, to keep my decisions at bay.

I leave Sunday morning on fire for the LORD,
But the week goes on,
And not once have I gone and explored,
The opportunities the LORD for me has stored.

It is not who I who act, but the sin that lives within me.
But when does that sin become who I am?
When does my selfish ambition become not an entity,
But a part of the person I am to be?

What a wretched man I remain,
Only lukewarm: saying not acting, thinking not doing.
I want to act but the sin restrains.
Who can cleanse my countless stains?

Only Jesus

Thank you LORD Jesus, for loving me nonetheless,
For delivering me from death more times than I can comprehend.
Your Book of Instruction does not just judge and assess,
It is the Book of Life, made to bless.
A poem on Romans 7, one of my favorite chapters in the Bible.
it should be noted that girls don't always come from venus, that some boys might be a little deader than they were before they claimed you took their breath away.
some girls have barbed wire around their hearts, and others have white flags. some boys have touched more cigarettes than thighs, more blades in the bathroom sink than the ones in her shoulders. the city might whisper the name of one boy and tremble at the thought of another; a girl might  have a hit list with only one name on it — her own. some boys will **** just to say they lost their virginity and some boys will spend the rest of their lives making love as though they could gain it back; some girls have lost their tears and sweat in the upholstery of the same car that might belong to one of these boys — and some of those same boys are sweaty handprints on the backseat windows while others are fingerprints on your throat, but no matter how you look at it, he will always leave his mark, won't he?
it should be noted that some girls will miss you like hiroshima playgrounds miss the laughter of young children, but others will miss you like an 11:30 flight at 11:31, and i bet you never knew that some boys will never tell you that they miss their father just as much as some girls calling everyone else 'daddy' except for the one they truly need; you'd never believe me if i said that some girls look at the night sky where they used to see their reelection in the stars, but now only see another broken mirror.
it should be noted, that not all boys are from mars.
 Nov 2014 Kayla Jennings
I sat on the floor, my face buried in my hands
Slowly I watched her shadow fade-
Never coming back.
As those words rang in my ears,
Deafening, refining-
Slowly but beautifully killing me.

Never coming back.
I slowly drone her voice piercing me all over
As if a pin kept pricking my body
With enough force to cause an eternal agony-
But not enough to ****,
To put me out of my misery.

My soul, slowly breaking-
Alive, but dead inside.
Her voice, deafening, beautiful-
Never coming back.
**This poem was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven".
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