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 Jul 2018 kaycog
Mike Adam
The deep dark

Mouth full
Of deep dark

I finally


This red mouth

To speak
 Jul 2018 kaycog
I started with my dress,
The white one with the black flowery design.
I added my black scarf, draping it
Casually around my head,
Trying to stop my thoughts from drifting
To what I was dressing up for.
I slipped on my sandals and then
Slipped out the door,
Not slamming it because that felt like
An ending.
I didn’t want another ending.
Walking into the church,
The temperature went up 50 degrees,
And my anxiety went up 100.
I shook hands with the extended family,
Hugged your widow,
And comforted your grandchildren.
I made it through the opening liturgy,
Your favorite hymn, and the obituary.
I even stopped my tears from falling
During your granddaughter’s touching eulogy,
When she started sobbing up there on the altar.
Afterwards, I sat through the meal,
Everything tasting like cardboard in
My mouth as the temperature kept increasing.
Near the end of the night,
When the church was clearing out,
I went back to the food,
Craving a final bite of cheesy potato casserole
Before I could finally leave this night behind.
Yet when I get there,
The tray is cleaned out,
And there is no more cheesy potato casserole.
That’s when I finally break down and sob.
I didn’t get that last bite of
Cheesy potato casserole.
Sometimes the simplest things **** you.
you claim to be the sun

a lioness and goddess

born from fire and flames.

I do not doubt you.

your beliefs are your own.

yet do not be so contentious

so audacious to paint yourself

in such resplendent glory.

we both know better.

if you are built from ashes

why do you claim to burn

at the memory of me?

my ghost should not leave

scorch marks upon a goddess

of the sun.
don't you remember? I'm the one who taught you how to shine.

july 15th, 2018

kalica calliope Β©
 Jul 2018 kaycog
Should the earth be but a quiet manor
A palace in forgotten elder oak
Where what used to fly, a threadbare banner
and all-conquering poison ivy chokes
Well, we'd explore every nook and cranny
leave no dusty, unread book on the shelf
our nose for secrets would be uncanny
until we know it better than ourself
No immovable stone will be unturned
No forgotten corridor will be unwalked
until all its riddles we will have learned
and every bolted door has been unlocked
for we discover what the world conceals
and go until the last secret, we steal
Wanderlust is cliche, but I can't seem to cure it
 Jul 2018 kaycog
Kayla Flanders
"he may have been sparklers and you may have been fireworks but i was waiting for the whole **** sun."
- self love
 Jun 2018 kaycog
 Jun 2018 kaycog
The road was wet from the morning rain.
Rain as sweet smelling as the flowers they fed.
Fed up with the world around her, she dreamed of being free.
Free, they say, is liberating.
Liberated from the chains that bind and fasten tightly.
Tightly she grips the ropes.
Ropes thrown to the sky capturing the stars.
Stars colliding gushing millions of gamma rays.
Rays that light the evening roads.
Roads wet from the morning rain.
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