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 Feb 2017 kaycog
Seher Seven
I wonder
What happens to the fire
When the water is gone.
Once it's heated it all,
As the liquid turns to vapor.
I wonder does that fire still burn.

Does it stay lit,
For the eternal ticks of US.
The repetitive movements
Of energy and such.
Once the water is lifted and
The steam takes off.
I wonder do water molecules survive.

Do they all give to the intense pressure
Of the fire.
Do some maintain?  
I envision it, how the light demands
The process. The water releases it's
Continual force. She relaxes into a state
Of mutation.
Her body reforms and her spirit flys.

I wonder how it will feel
To be released back down from the clouds.
Smack down upon the ground again,
Realizing at the same the moment has passed.
I fell again, I search for you then.
More of you to become one with,
WE merge, follow the streams, molding
Things, pushing through the world.
Waiting for the fire to come
And provide our rebirth.
It always comes.
 Feb 2017 kaycog
Stephanie White
A day in my head,
Is a life in hell.

I look at my mother,
the woman who has always been there,
and all I feel is hatred.
She loves me, right?
Her sweet voice rings in my ears,
But my thoughts cloud over..
Turning that sweet voice into a twisted monster.
Like a fog shrouding her true form.

"You're so amazing!"
She's lying, you're pathetic.
"I'm so proud of you!"
Nope. You can't be proud of a failure.
"I love you!"
No she doesn't, she hates you.

Why must I think this way?
Because you know it's true.

I overhear conversations...
"Oh my god, did you see her? She is so fat."
They're talking about you,
they don't even know you,
and they think you're fat.
Stop eating

"She's so ugly, there is no way anyone
could find her attractive."
Oh, that sounds as if it was directed at you.
No sense in fighting, it is true.

My fiance...
He is so perfect.
You don't deserve him.
He tries to help me,
Sometimes it works.
His love alone can clear the fog.

I look in the mirror,
And examine my body.
Noticing every unwanted scar,
every unwanted stretch mark.

Ew you gained weight.
Look at your stretch marks.
No, you're beautiful.
He doesn't think that, you're disgusting.
You're perfect the way you are.
You have scars, fat, acne, you are flawed.
I love you more than anything.
No one loves you.
You are my now.
"And I am your forever."

Those bad thoughts try to come back through,
But for now,
He has cleared the fog.
 Feb 2017 kaycog
devante moore
If you think I won't leave
Because you have a hold on me
Girl please
I wouldn't say bless you if you sneezed
You females
Are like the entrails
Of a snails tail
Meaning you're disgusting
Lol just kidding
Not really
If I was between your fingers
You still wouldn't have a grip on me
Maybe you thought
If you said sweet things
And buttered me up
You'd get bling bling
And shiny things
And hoped my emotions
Would pour out
Like a **** that burst open
I mean to disappoint
Even though I'm here
I've already walked away
It's hard to fathom
How we spend so much time
Thinking about one person
I might be in the minority
But I'd rather stay there
Hard to say I never cared
Hard to say I never dared
I'm not a soul that likes abdication
I will become a mind of interrogation
Because I analyze everything up and down
That's just who I am
I spend some of my time thinking about you
When there isn't much going on
It passes the time when all my other options are absent
In reality, they're just distractions.
You're the best kind, and I want to become more immersed.
 Feb 2017 kaycog
Kayotic Tragedy
I once was a doll, one who was broken
Assigned to scare those who waltzed into my home
I wasn't alone, but my partner has never spoken
Her figure cold, porcelain and never roamed

I was unlike other dolls, able to move, able to speak
And at times, I only wished to gain a friend who was alive
But humans as I have learned are rude and quite unique
But none wished to remain with me, I wonder why?

At one time I was as sweet as Candy
Until I let out my Cin
Started off playing games, those which I considered handy
Until they never stopped them from leaving, then I could feel my other side kicking in
She was mean, heartless should I say
And she was not one to accept people, she made them go away

Now I sit alongside my frozen friend
Waiting until I too, meet my frozen end
 Feb 2017 kaycog
Buzzer B
My daughter's hair is golden like the sun
Sapphires cannot compete with eyes so blue.
Her rosy half-moon cheeks with freckles run
To meet a neck so elegant and new.
I have seen beauty in a new born babe
Develop into elegance and grace.
But such beauty we cannot always save.
Time passes at a very rapid pace.
If we could count the years we spend alive.
We would not waste our time on useless things.
Into an endless ocean we would dive
To cleanse ourselves of all that sorrow brings.
The beauty of a young girl's happy face
Reminds us life has value,worth and pace.
 Feb 2017 kaycog
oh my stars
Do not weep for the events that will come.
Treasure past memories, but do not fret.
All that matters is the moment.
All that matters is now.
What are you currently doing?
Sitting on a bus?
Reading a book?
Watching television?
Whatever it is, just stop and think for a minute.
When did you last thank someone?
When did you last tell her you loved her?
These are the things you should be thinking about.
It doesn't matter what you look like,
It doesn't matter what grades you're getting.
It doesn't matter whether you get that job or not.
All that matters is now.
Your friends, your family, your love.
They are all that will ever matter.
Are you making enough time for them?
Just forget about everything else.
Forget about it all apart from love.
The extent of your love is the extent of you.
Love everyone.
And be kind.
Because that is all that matters.
Love is all that matters.
please just love everyone, okay? we must overcome the hate that is ripping through our world.
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