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 Feb 2017 kaycog
Sour Patched Kid
i've come to learn
that they
become numb to
my cries
so often that they've
become deaf to
my whimpers

and i've
become hoarse from
my shouts
so often that i
become mute from
my whispers

after all
what can they do
to help
they've tried ev'rything?

after all
what can i do
to tell
i've tried ev'rything?

try some more

Gazing up at the smorgasbord of stars
makes me all the more fonder
of the darkness,

Connecting light dots
above my head
on a magical canvas
which is never, ever, artless.

Vivid images
constantly taking form,
impeccable masterpieces floating
way up above me,

Heaven's art gallery
with such divine work on show;
hung--for all of us to see.

By Lady R.F ©2017
 Feb 2017 kaycog
 Feb 2017 kaycog
I still try to replicate
that tingle in my skin
I got each and every time we'd kiss
and how I never, ever felt it with another
and now I'm scared I simply can't
and that you ****** the magic right out of my lips
and that every man now will live in a shadow
of something that no longer exists
and it scares me, still
after all this time,
to want you back
to call you mine
 Feb 2017 kaycog
if the first real heartbreak is the worst
does that mean that the first love will always be
the one worth hurting over?
will they never be better?
will I love him forever?
 Feb 2017 kaycog
Corona Harris
From the way you act I almost believed I was wrong
I had to remember my own pain just to move on
It made no sense to stay since I could never fully lift your mood
You need a super man to save you and I'm a regular dude
You need that constant affection and reassurance you're fine
I couldn't give you everything but I could dedicate some time
It's kinda funny, sometimes just to smile I gotta medicate my mind
Or cry my eyes out before I retrace these old lines
I know my type of healing temporary and I do it all in vain
But you could never really judge or stop me cause you do the same
I like the fact that now you "hate" me, it's just how I predicted
That let's me know you might of loved me or was at least addicted
We both know I'm not the source of all your grief and pain
But because I got love for you I'm willing to take that blame
I'm willing to take the mean mugs and blank stares
I was taught "people shouldn't cry over what ain't theirs"
You too free to be mine and my heart belongs to another
We should of fallen apart before we fell in love with each other
Who knows, years down the road this could come back to play
I picture you there looking like you ain't aged a day
I make you laugh , you make me smile , we get nostalgia
We both grown now so them *******, you can come out of
We don't gotta make love, if you still ain't ready yet
Oh wait you back to ******, so **** may be all you get
You the type to get hurt and go to sleeping in
You like the girls from the songs who "Never trust again"
So if our paths cross down the road once more
Like I go out for a walk and end up at your door
Or you singing out your heart and I see you on tour
Or while I'm working at a bar I spot you on the dance floor
Just gaze into my eyes and I'll get lost in yours.
 Feb 2017 kaycog
 Feb 2017 kaycog
i have learned to breathe under holy water -
grew gills so strong they are
lined with celestial gold.

the ocean is a puddle to me now.

and i ***** pearls of pain,
lick them clean with my acetylene

my acids will heal what the world cannot.

pills and love potions  
can't take away
my virginity.

i am clean, so clean.

the devil watches me and
cringes at my radioactive light.

for i am dead and alive all at once.
poison, poison.

the radium drips from my lips like
babyspit and i am too pure
for god himself

so i offer my golden blood
to a higher power

that would take the pureness of it all
and make it an ounce
of what i could have been
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