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We could stay in this room for hours
Talking about everything and nothing
We could watch the stream and
forget our lives
Like we had forever to spend together
We could stop thinking about
what is to come
And relish in every moment before

We are masters of being in love -
But we will never be good at goodbyes.
 Apr 2014 Katelyn
maggie W
I looked at you with my misty eyes

Blurry minds and lingering thoughts.

Words don’t get through

They’re just syllables.

Poems are means to get to you

They serve as the path to eternity

I rue not to speak up again and again.

Blaming myself for things I haven’t done.
 Apr 2014 Katelyn
With your hands woven
into my spine
you led me into
the dark
where the icy wind
slipped my shirt off
leaving me exposed to you,
wishing I could walk away
but the trail
of breadcrumbs we left
has long since disappeared,
and now
that I am lost
beside you
I only wish
to have you closer,
but once daylight
touches our skin
and we are graced
with artificial smiles,
I will
shrug away
from you
 Apr 2014 Katelyn
E. E. Cummings
Buffalo Bill ’s
          who used to
          ride a watersmooth-silver
and break onetwothreefourfive pigeonsjustlikethat

he was a handsome man
                        and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death
 Apr 2014 Katelyn
Kevin T Norman
It didn't happen like they said.
My life did not flash before my eyes in an instant and
there was no formal presentation of my being.
I didn't see the end,
but I also didn't witness the beginning.
All I felt was stillness.

And the world spinning slowly on.
 Apr 2014 Katelyn
Brianna Ki
The seemingly ungratefulness of this tricky life drives my compulsive mind tumbling into a wild fire of thoughts and sadness

Smashing upon my heart to let go and live what is this heavy chain holding me back, what is there left to lose?

I break free to be cuffed yet again to that **** heavy chain. It's like a glue that is stuck on my soul a leech refusing to budge, ******* it dry.

Life is unfair. Leaving us slaved to its rules.  But my heart won't hush. It's lies feeding my mind like I starve for a different ending as these feelings lead me away.

It can't be this complex. Being worked into my grave.  Whats left to enjoy but to be miserable until death.

Life fuels the fire for my heart to run astray as my mind attempts to water its ruling blaze.

I can't help but wonder if my mind can ***** out my heart's longing to be free. Knowing I can't tame these feelings I try everything to refrain from going insane.
 Apr 2014 Katelyn
kerosine eyes
March 18, 2014, 5:34 PM

They say that all roads lead to home but who is they and if I knew I would tell them that home is not a place although I wish it was but if all roads do lead to home I have taken every road there is to get to you but there aren't any left to take and if I knew who they were I would ask them where to go when home no longer wants them when the place they went to feel whole again is now what tears them apart but home is not a place oh how I wish it was because home was his eyes the night he told you you are what keeps him sane home was his arms the night he held you when you cried because you were losing him home was his voice the night he assured you he wasn't going anywhere but oh home is not a place home is now his eyes when he tells you he has nothing left for you home is now his arms when he says he is sorry home is now his voice when he tells you he can not stay and if all roads do lead to home I was on my way but stopped when I saw the foreclosure sign on your front door
Will you join me in this renovation
The one that fulfills our souls
The one God intended
I can feel that he knows

Building separately has yet to work
A sign we should have seen
Giving in is pride demolished
The devil brought to his knees

Attending church and counseling
In and of itself wasn't enough
Bare souls a necessity like
Standing trusting on a bluff

Vulnerable to one another
Dedicated to a higher power
All defenses down
Fear enough to make us cower

Easy is as easy does
Hard work yields bounty
Tomorrow hand-in-hand
Let's together up the ante

A season of tomorrows
Together in all the splendor
The one we failed to believe in
Worth it and oh so tender

Tender beauty
Tender hearts
Feeling like we see our parents
Together forever, never apart

April 16, 2014
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